Thursday, January 14, 2021

NeoNeoCon on President Trump's Second Impeachment

 In the past, there were several checks on this sort of thing. One was that the American public hadn’t yet experienced the Gramscian takeover of education and the press (as well as other institutions) by the left, and so public sentiment would have risen up against it on both sides as being a vindictive and dangerous overreach. Another was that in the past even the left feared that such tactics would be used against the left when the right came to power. But now the left thinks it can arrange things so that the right never comes to power again. 

That is what all of this is about. That is why I’ve had a terrible feeling in my gut and some trouble sleeping for at least several months now, probably even since the COVID stuff started back in March because it was becoming apparent that it all would add to the left’s power. It’s been clear for years now that this was their goal, and it was one of the main reasons I was happy that Clinton was defeated in 2016. It was always clear that the Trump presidency was a temporary gamble, and that the gamble might ultimately be lost.

I can’t see the future. I don’t know for certain what will happen. Surprises, black swans, turns of events, even a backlash from the American public that will end up mattering – all are possible. But I feel an increased dread about what’s happening now, all the more awful because it was easily foreseeable (and foreseen) but not easily preventable – and perhaps not preventable at all, unless we were to go back about a hundred years with perfect foresight. Maybe not even then.

Read all about it here: