Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Military-Industrial Complex Backs Biden

 The disgraceful Washington Post op-ed is intended to short circuit Congressional oversight of American elections found in the US Constitution.

It is signed by a cabal of Never-Trumpers responsible for the defeat of the United States in multiple conflicts since World War II and/or transfer of military technology to China. A  "Hall of Shame."

Marshal Pétain has nothing on any of them.

They are Dick Cheney (lost Vietnam War), James Mattis (lost Iraq and Afghanistan), Mark Esper (fired), Leon Panetta (allowed Bin Laden to live to perpetrate 9/11 attacks), Donald Rumsfeld (allowed 9/11 attacks, lost Iraq and Afghanistan wars), William Cohen (allowed US military technology transfer to China), Chuck Hagel (forced out), Robert Gates (lost Iraq and Afghanistan Wars), William Perry (allowed US missile technology transfers to China) and Ashton Carter (a "mystery man" to this author).

Further, it encourages insubordination and sedition against the current Commander-in-Chief on behalf of a man who is proven to be in the pay of foreign governments.

A sad commentary on the complete corruption and collapse of our defense establishment.

Read it all here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/former-defense-secretaries-rebuke-trump-election/2021/01/03/1c708f64-4de5-11eb-b2e8-3339e73d9da2_story.html