Thursday, January 14, 2021

American Thinker: GOP, R.I.P.

Over the last five years at a couple of hundred Trump rallies there were zero riots. Period!

Over the last year, across the country BLM and Antifa “peaceful protests” erupted into 220 riots, resulting in 30 people being killed, 2,000 police injured, multiple attacks on police stations and federal buildings, public and federal property vandalized, minority communities and businesses destroyed, and portions of cities taken over by force.

And just who was to blame for these deadly Riots? Not one Democrat politician who voiced their wholehearted support for BLM or any other high profile liberal media or Hollywood type. And certainly not Joe Biden or Kamala Harris who have the full support of BLM and Antifa.

And what were the consequences for BLM and Antifa as a result of all the riots, death, and destruction? Community leaders defunded the police. Leftists media and Democrat politicians applauded and encouraged their actions and encouraged compliance to their cause. Corporations gave millions to their cause. Big tech applauded their actions and censored all opposition and condemnation of their actions. And citizens put yard signs in their yards to promote their cause.

There are hundreds of incidents of double standards and blatant hypocrisy by leftists Democrats and their media and corporate supporters, but the time for pointing it out as the only defense the Republican Party can muster is over.

It’s just as Nancy Pelosi says, “people will do what they do.”

So, I, along with probably millions of other Trump supporters, who feel personally betrayed by both GOP Rep. McCarthy, Senate GOP Leader McConnell, and a host of other feckless congressional Republicans, “will do what we do” and LEAVE the Republican Party.   

And I’m fairly sure there are about 50 or 60 million other disgruntled Republicans who will be on-board with this movement.

Read all about it here: