Rudyard Kipling's "If" illustrated with pictures of President Trump:
“This is slavery, not to speak one's thought.” ― Euripides, The Phoenician Women
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Ann Corcoran: Antifa Gunman Arrested in Florida Plot
He surely is not a lone wolf, but is the first evidence of Antifa’s evil plans to lure angry Trump patriots to state capitals in the coming days so they can begin the revolution.
Remember Antifa/BLM/Insurgence USA are all revolutionaries. They don’t give a rat’s you-know-what about Biden or Harris, it is revolution they want.
As I said last night, stay away! The events at the US Capitol were a trap, don’t be so dumb and let them do it again.
Read all about it here:
AT: The Cult of Trump?
What's the story behind our fervent support of Donald J. Trump? Answer: Trump is nothing more than an avatar, an embodiment of a large segment of the American people who have been marginalized and abused. That is why he is so "loved" by so many. That’s also why he’s "hated" by so many others.
Notice that the people who love him now didn’t necessarily care for him prior to 2015 and some are still uncomfortable with his lifestyle and personality. On the other side, the people who hate him now were once his biggest supporters; he embodied a successful life to them. He was king of the New York tabloids and had a monster TV show on NBC, hardly conservative bastions.
Why the sudden and dramatic turnaround? Because when Donald Trump rode down that escalator and began promoting "normal" ideas without equivocation (Don't call them "conservative" because at this point it's not about liberalism vs. conservatism, it's about normal vs. crazy), he ceased to be Donald Trump and became us. Me. You. All of us who have seen the decline of this country accelerate exponentially these past ten years and are worried sick about it. Donald Trump the person is not the target. Donald Trump the symbol is.
Read all about it here:
AT: Amazon Goes Mad
The dubious legality of Amazon's action raises two possibilities about the role of Amazon's lawyers in this affair, both of which are disturbing.
The first is that the censors did not ask the lawyers, but simply did it or overrode legal cautions. This would mean that the company's employees are out of control and indifferent to the welfare of the company itself, answerable only to the demands of their woke religion. Note, in particular, that cutting off Parler was of no benefit to Amazon, which bore no responsibility for Parler's supposed failure to police its users.
The second is that the lawyers gave them the go-ahead on the grounds that the legal profession is now so corrupted that no court would dare to find for Parler, however meritorious its case. (The courts' refusal to hear about election fraud supports this theory.) Also, just as lawyers who tried to represent Trump were bullied and intimidated, Amazon might feel certain of its ability to prevent Parler from obtaining adequate representation.
Take your pick of these possibilities, but either creates big business risks for Amazon.
Read all about it here:
AT: Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare
President Trump clearly stated his own beliefs on a thousand occasions — President Biden should do so as well, but he won't. He uses the Orwellian tactic of disguising his beliefs in gibberish, and this is not because he's going daft, as he well may be. He'll speak of "expanding Obamacare" rather than socialized medicine. He'll talk of "defense partnerships" rather than abandoning control of our military. And on the environment, it's not even possible to tell what he wants, but he wants $400 billion to do it. Once again, "the defence of the indefensible."
The coordinated effort to impeach and convict the president is nothing less than a propaganda campaign, and the associated suppression of free speech on social media and elsewhere is the beginning of a dangerous national decline. It's not possible to say where it will end, but we must be entirely clear about what is happening. A progressive government will attempt to further limit free speech, assembly, religious expression, gun rights, access to employment, and other basic liberties. Progressives have already threatened conservatives with prosecution and imprisonment for the "crime" of denying anthropogenic global warming and for questioning the result of the 2020 election. What's next? The persecution of every American conservative in the same way that Gen. Flynn was persecuted?
It's a fine line between federal prison here in America and Dachau in Germany, and one can transform into the other in a matter of weeks. It did so in Germany in 1933, just five weeks after Hitler became chancellor. Don't think it can't happen here. It begins with "the defence of the indefensible" — and that is already well underway.
Read all about it here:
Friday, January 15, 2021
This Inauguration Is Not A Peaceful Transfer Of Power...
Because the 2020 Election was not a free and fair election.
Because Congress failed to certify electors honestly, and because the Supreme Court denied President Trump judicial review of the 2020 Election, he has every right to claim that the American People reelected him by a landslide in 2020.
Which, given manifestly suspicious actions of the Biden camp subsequently, one may reasonably infer he did.
Congressional certification of electors was obviously intended by the Framers to serve as a final check on fraud in the Electoral College, and to balance the power of the states--not to rubber-stamp whatever electors the states send.
Certification is clearly designed to insure that results are bona fide.
By certifying disputed results without additional verification, in this case Congress has failed in its obligation to preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution.
It is the failure of Congress and the Supreme Court to do their duty in good faith--not President Trump's rhetoric--that led to violence.
Due process was denied. Equal protection was denied. The right to vote of American citizens was denied.
By the US Congress--not President Trump--that is, the Legislative Branch.
By the US Supreme Court--not President Trump--that is, the Judicial Branch.
President Trump heads the Executive Branch.
Under the Constitution, all three branches of government are co-equal.
As Chief Magistrate, a sitting President has as much claim to say he the US Government as Congress or the Supreme Court.
A President by definition cannot overthrow himself or his administration.
So, even if one stipulates the Capitol protest turned violent, it was still obviously NOT an attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States.
Instead it resulted from a conflict between the Legislative and Executive Branches for an honest determination of the will of the American People.
If Congress made a fraudulent certification, then that act of Congress was both illegitimate and unconstitutional.
For as any graduate of a traditional High School Civics class knows, the United States Constitution says that power belongs to the American People.
Not to the President--who is merely a hired executive heading an administration working for the American People.
Not to Congress--who are just hired representatives of the will of the American People.
Not to the Supreme Court--who are only judging laws in order to ensure they reflect the intentions of the American People as passed by their representatives in accordance with the Constitution.
Which means there is no such thing as "peaceful transfer of power" on Inauguration Day.
There is only a change of administration.
Power remains with the American People at all times.
And is divided equally between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches under the US Constitution.
Not transferred by an inauguration.
Epoch Times Timeline of Capitol Protest