Monday, February 19, 2007

Francisco Gil-White: No to Kosovo Independence

On his website, Francisco Gil-White argues Kosovo independence would be bad for the Jews:
In addition to directing a campaign of genocide against the Serbian minority in Kosovo, the KLA also attacked the very few Jews and Roma (Gypsies) who still lived there. Kosovo today is judenrein, as the Nazis would say....

Should the Jews endorse Kosovo independence?

If the Jews endorse Kosovo independence, they will be endorsing that terrorist Mulsim forces tracing their roots to the German Nazi Final Solution, and which have been directing terror against the greatest allies of the Jews, and against the Jews themselves, be rewarded for this terror.

What then will be the argument against rewarding the terror of PLO/Hamas, Muslim forces that also trace their roots to the German Nazi Final Solution, and whch further their goal of extermination the Jews by killing as many innocent Jews as they can?

If the Jews endorse Kosovo independence, they will be sowing the seeds of their own destruction.