Friday, January 15, 2021

Raheem Kassam's Eyewitness Account Of Capitol Protest

 Watch it here:

Diplomad: Boycott Biden Inaguration

In normal times, in sane times, the inauguration of a new US President makes for an exciting, colorful, and interesting event. Whether or not our guy won, we traditionally viewed the event as a reaffirmation of our long history as a democratic republic, of our tradition of peaceful transfers of power, and of our willingness to give the new guy a chance to prove himself. 

We, however, do not live in normal times, in sane times. We will have January 20, 2021, a break in that long tradition. The "progs" who rejected President Trump have taken control of the levers of power via massive electoral fraud, and, of course, thanks to their near total control of the means of communication. On January 20, we will have a corrupt, gaga, pervert nominally sworn in as President. He will, in fact, prove no such thing; he will be the puppet of the destructive forces of "progdom." They plan to keep him around a bit, and then toss him overboard.  

I propose one little act of rebellion for those of us who still believe in the idea of America: ignore, actively ignore, the ludicrous event on the 20th. Do not watch the thing on any media or network. No ratings. No attention. Let DC become a ghost town, patrolled by the 25,000 National Guards the DNC reportedly wants called up. Do not mount any public protest anywhere. Above all, ignore the fake, false flag calls on the internet for an "armed protest" at Capitol Hill: clearly a trap, and a crude one, at that. 

 Read all about it here:

American Thinker: Joe Biden & "The Big Lie"

James S. Corum writes:

It’s interesting to watch the Democrats constantly making historical analogies to Naziism because, at every attempt, they display their astounding ignorance of history.  From the historical context, a Big Lie is a demand by political leaders that the public believe something highly improbable.  This belief is repeated by a government-controlled media and its public acceptance is coerced by government agencies and a co-opted judicial system. Ted Cruz and a handful of minority senators and congressmen publicly contesting corrupt and illegal actions of state and local governments does not fit the historical definition of the Big Lie. For Biden’s charge to work we must accept, as an article of faith, that election fraud is virtually nonexistent, that one-party Democrat machine cities in the swing states are devoted to serving the public, and that the humble and devoted leaders and civil servants of these cities would never, ever break the law for political and personal gain.

The Big Lie of 2020 is that it was a clean and honest election. Like the Big Lie of Hamburg raids, the Big Lie will fail. Like Hamburg in 1943, there are simply too many witnesses. There are the videos of election observers being blocked in several cities and videos in Atlanta of observers sent away, and in their absence election workers piling ballots into the counting machines.  There is sworn testimony from hundreds of election workers detailing illegal actions. There are the Dominion machines in Michigan that were set up to create ballot errors which were “adjudicated” (flipped) in favor of Democrats. There is hard documentary evidence of the dead voting by mail, or of (supposedly) living voters receiving and returning their ballots by the postal service within a day. There are thousands of Georgia voters who illegally provided post office box numbers as their place of residence. There is the analysis of highly respected IT experts and statisticians who have spotted statistically implausible vote spikes, unusual local turnout, and voting patterns not seen in previous elections. The evidence presented at state legislative hearings (I watched some on One America News) is thorough, well-documented and plausible. 

Read all about it here:

Sarah Hoyt Suspended By Facebook For Criticizing Totalitarianism

OF EVERYTHING I’VE WRITTEN:  How To Read The News In Totalitarianism. this post, which I thought was somewhat bland, and just informative, got my facebook page invaded by an army of trolls and people I’d never interacted with before calling me crazy and acting like idiots. They also obviously hadn’t read any of the posts they were responding to, and fanned back three days.  They also, after I started responding, denounced me for “bullying” and got me suspended for 24 hours.

According to one of the commenters on my blog, who is also in the science fiction community: 

That was really disturbing. I go on FB this morning and see several entries on my f-list urgently warning people to defriend and block you.

Now, guys, I’ve written posts in which I called them names; blog posts in which I denounced the working of their cliques; blog posts in which I excoriated them in the most blunt terms. But this is the post they go militant on?

Could it be because I mention in passing the obvious false flag action planned for this weekend? The one to prepare for which this poster was distributed and local police forces warned to expect “insurrection” or a “coup”?  Sort of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

 Read all about it here:

The Federalist: I Saw Provocateurs At US Capitol

 J. Michael Waller writes:

A small number of cadre appeared to use the cover of a huge rally to stage its attack. Before it began, I saw from my vantage point on the West Front of the Capitol what appeared to be four separate cells or units:

    1. Plainclothes militants. Militant, aggressive men in Donald Trump and MAGA gear at a front police line at the base of the temporary presidential inaugural platform;
    2. Agents-provocateurs. Scattered groups of men exhorting the marchers to gather closely and tightly toward the center of the outside of the Capitol building and prevent them from leaving;
    3. Fake Trump protesters. A few young men wearing Trump or MAGA hats backwards and who did not fit in with the rest of the crowd in terms of their actions and demeanor, whom I presumed to be Antifa or other leftist agitators; and
    4. Disciplined, uniformed column of attackers. A column of organized, disciplined men, wearing similar but not identical camouflage uniforms and black gear, some with helmets and GoPro cameras or wearing subdued Punisher skull patches.

Read all about it here:

UPDATE: Michael Yon told The Epoch Times that he also saw agent provocateurs:

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Today's Required Reading...

 The Foundations of Leninism by Joseph Stalin:

Sarah Hoyt: How To Read The News Under Totalitarianism

From According to Hoyt: Daughter-in-Law of Liberty:


 One of the first memories I have of news and people discussing news is of my parents trying to figure out whether the president was dead.

This is because in Portugal in the early sixties, the news of course couldn’t publish anything that the regime disapproved of. When they announced Salazar was dead, and who his successor was, mom’s answer was “he’s been dead for x months” (aka since he’d disappeared form in public/or they’d noticed a shift in governance) “they just finished the behind the scenes power struggle and can announce it now.” Also much was made of the way he was said to have died, which was to fall backwards in his chair and hit his head. Well, I’d also have my doubts, right?

I guess this set me up for the way I read news. Particularly because after the regime changed from national to international socialism, I was at several news worthy events which were completely misreported in the press.

Much like the participants in the rally in DC probably are rather puzzled at the idea that they “really” wanted to kill black people, particularly those marchers who were black, or that their goal in life was to kill Pelosi, or whatever the crazy ass thing the occupiers of our capital say.

At one point, for instance, I became an entire band of armed reactionary conterrevolutionaries, though the most lethal thing in my possession at the time was The Oxford Dictionary For Foreign Learners, which frankly wasn’t even that big. And no, I didn’t do anything even vaguely violent. I just showed I wasn’t afraid to walk away from a compelled demonstration of support, and when a petite teen in school uniform walks away with an expression of disgust and something like “this is boring” the grown *ss adults find they’re brave enough to do the same.

So I learned to read all newspapers with a jaundiced eye, and was completely puzzled Americans didn’t do that, and that my host parents often thought I was off my rocker when I said “what really happened was.” Well, what really happened was indeed what I suspected, though often you don’t figure it out till years and years later.

Now that our newspapers are mostly just making up bullshit, it is very important to know how to read the newspaper.

The first step is easy:

Assume nothing you read is true. This is regardless of whether you’d like it to be true or not. This is why I never believed that Trump was going to declare emergency, blah, blah blah. For one, because if he had the army would at best be divided and start an internal fight. I wanted it. Or at least I wanted it more than what we’re facing head on, but I know the signs of hysterical hope over reality.

Read all about it here:

Do Democrats Want To Drive President Trump Into Exile?

 Looks like they may want to turn him into a refugee fleeing political persecution.

Earlier, former US Defense Secretary Mattis said Donald Trump would become a "man without a country." 

Now this:

President Trump potentially faces a torrent of criminal charges when he leaves office, including charges linked to the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, making prosecutors worry that he is a flight risk.

Mr. Trump’s real estate empire extends to multiple luxury properties in countries that don’t have extradition treaties with the United States. And Mr. Trump himself publicly mused in October that he’d leave the country if he lost to Democrat Joseph R. Biden.

Douglas McNabb, a private attorney with expertise in international extradition defense, said that if criminal charges are brought, Mr. Trump fits the bill for becoming a fugitive from justice.

Read all about it here:

Peter Navarro: Yes, President Trump Won


 Volume 3 of the Navarro Report is designed to serve as a capstone to what has been a comprehensive analysis of the question: Was the 2020 presidential election stolen from Donald J. Trump? In this report, we provide the most up-to-date statistical “receipts” with respect to the potential number of illegal votes in each battleground state.

The broader goal of this final installment of the Navarro Report is to provide investigators with a well-documented tally of potentially illegal votes on a state-by-state and category-by-category basis. This tally is presented in Figure One on the next page of this report. Note that each number in this figure has a corresponding endnote identifying the source of the number. Note further that we have taken a conservative approach to the count of potentially illegal ballots.

As with previous volumes of the Navarro Report, you can see clearly in Figure One that the number of potentially illegal votes dwarfs the very thin alleged Biden “victory” margins. In the face of this evidence, no reasonable person would conclude that the 2020 presidential election was, beyond any shadow of doubt, a fair election. Rather, anyone who reads this report should feel compelled to seek greater clarity about whether, in fact, this election may have been stolen from Donald J. Trump.

While it is now politically correct in progressive circles and the mainstream media to demand that all Americans submit and confess to the “truth” of what may well be the fiction of a free and fair election for the sake of “unity” and “harmony,” such a Kafkaesque demand in the face of the evidence in this report will likely have the opposite effect.

To wit: almost half the country now believes that there were significant irregularities in the 2020 presidential race; and the failure to fully investigate these irregularities will only increase the number of Americans who have such doubts. This will be particularly true if the suppression of what necessarily must be a search for truth is facilitated by the authoritarian – nay fascist – behavior of a small group of social media oligarchs who have taken it upon themselves to de-platform and censor tens of millions of pro-Trump Americans who now find themselves victims, rather than consumers, of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

In considering these truths, let us never forget two things: (1) The Democrat Party and its operatives stole the 1960 Presidential Election – it happened then and it can happen again; and (2) it took decades for historians to finally acknowledge the 1960 version of the Immaculate Deception in the face of the same kind of virtue-signaling and cancel culture pressures we are witnessing today.

Despite a similar quest to silence Republican and conservative voices today, 74 million Americans who voted for President Donald J. Trump have the right to a full investigation and bipartisan search for truth. If, however, the Democrat Party, RINO elements of the Republican Party, the anti-Trump mainstream media, and the out-of-control censoring social media oligarchs do not cease and desist from their efforts to suppress the search for truth about the 2020 election, history will judge all of these people, corporations, and institutions in the harshest possible manner.

At this point, we have moved dangerously in what seems like a nanosecond from a full and vibrant American Democracy to a Communist Chinese-style, Cancel Culture, Police State guarded by a collusive social media oligopoly that is beyond out of control.

In the remainder of this report, we will simply present the statistical “receipts” on a state-by-state and subcategory-by-subcategory basis what may well be the worst theft in American political history. If the U.S. Congress and State Legislatures across the six battleground states ignore this evidence, they will do so not just at their own peril but also at the peril of America’s faith in our elections and the sanctity of our Republic...

Read all about it here:

Western Journal: Were Capitol Protest Deaths Because "FBI Lied, People Died?"

 A new report claims that the Federal Bureau of Investigation knew one day prior that extremists were planning to infiltrate the Jan. 6 protests in Washington, D.C., that ended in rioting at the U.S. Capitol.

According to The Washington Post, a report from the FBI office in Norfolk, Virginia, contradicts claims that there had been no warnings of the violence that seemed to take Capitol police by surprise.

The FBI warning was reportedly contained in an “internal document” that was issued out the day before the Capitol incursion.

Read all about it here:

Daniel Greenfield: The establishment would like to talk about anything and everything except its own power...

 When the Black Lives Matter riots raged in cities around the country a spectrum of the leftist oligarchy, from the New York Times to the ACLU to the leadership of Washington State University justified them with Martin Luther King’s quote, “A riot is the language of the unheard.”

It was a strange claim to make about a movement that had the backing of the Democrat Party, the entire media, Coca Cola, IBM, and American Express. There was hardly a Fortune 500 company, university, or major organization of some sort that didn’t issue a statement of support for the race rioters rioting, looting, and killing their way across America.

Come read about our oppression in these press releases from Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

Plazas were renamed after the black supremacist movement and streets were painted with its racist slogan. Drivers who drove over those slogans became the subject of police investigations.

BLM was very definitely ‘heard’.

Rioting mobs can be subjective in a system where law and morality have become relative. A mob of rioters can be seen as a threatening mass of the ‘other’ or a heroic group of crusaders. The mobs of rioters that the establishment unleashes and identifies with are heard and cheered.

And then there are the bad kind of mobs. The mobs of the unheard.

In the weeks leading up to the Capitol Hill protest, claims of election fraud weren’t just ‘unheard’, they were actively suppressed with the media refusing to even air remarks by President Trump and administration officials on the subject. Tech companies censored any questions about the election. Elected officials took to describing such conversations as ‘sedition’ and the media deemed them ‘disinformation’ and called for even heavier censorship of the internet.

The oligarchy had spent the years since President Trump was elected laboring to silence the political opposition even while its own cultural messaging machine dispensed with everything from journalism to comedy to academic freedom in favor of political haranguing. A monolithic cultural environment in which there was no journalism, entertainment, or education, whose political messages were broadcast by Fortune 500 companies, did not create a new utopia.

Internet culture instead went down a digital rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, racism, identity politics, social media mobs, and trolling. The official culture was met with a counterculture of a thousand subcultures whose sole unifying element was contempt for whatever the culture was. That counter-culture was a visionary, brilliant, insane, horrifying and evil fragmented vision of America reflected through the shards of a culture that had lost its mind, its hope, and its faith.

Caught in between them were the actual ‘unheard’...

Read all about it here:

NeoNeoCon on President Trump's Second Impeachment

 In the past, there were several checks on this sort of thing. One was that the American public hadn’t yet experienced the Gramscian takeover of education and the press (as well as other institutions) by the left, and so public sentiment would have risen up against it on both sides as being a vindictive and dangerous overreach. Another was that in the past even the left feared that such tactics would be used against the left when the right came to power. But now the left thinks it can arrange things so that the right never comes to power again. 

That is what all of this is about. That is why I’ve had a terrible feeling in my gut and some trouble sleeping for at least several months now, probably even since the COVID stuff started back in March because it was becoming apparent that it all would add to the left’s power. It’s been clear for years now that this was their goal, and it was one of the main reasons I was happy that Clinton was defeated in 2016. It was always clear that the Trump presidency was a temporary gamble, and that the gamble might ultimately be lost.

I can’t see the future. I don’t know for certain what will happen. Surprises, black swans, turns of events, even a backlash from the American public that will end up mattering – all are possible. But I feel an increased dread about what’s happening now, all the more awful because it was easily foreseeable (and foreseen) but not easily preventable – and perhaps not preventable at all, unless we were to go back about a hundred years with perfect foresight. Maybe not even then.

Read all about it here:

Thomas J. Farnan: The Insurrection Lie


The legacy media has spent the last week repeating the lie that Trump supporters travelled to Washington D.C. last week in a coordinated attempt to overthrow the government. It’s a lie. 

Here’s what really happened...

Read all about it here:

Ann Corcoran: Evidence Mounts of Planned Capitol Attack

 ...and not by Trump supporters:

Last night I told you that a national security expert present at the Capitol on the afternoon of January 6th, 2021, a day which will go down in history as one of the worst days in our nation’s history—not because of the so-called Trump-inspired ‘riot’ but because of the massive security fail that was very likely planned in advance to get Donald Trump.

One of my readers last night made this astute comment:

Since 9/11, Washington DC has become the most thoroughly surveilled, security-intensive city on Earth. The Capitol police, DC police, Secret Service, FBI, and other alphabet soup security agencies undoubtedly train and re-train for every terrorist contingency or breach. They have to be prepared for Al-Qaida-type operations on DC’s federal institutions, correct? And most assuredly at a Joint Session of Congress. And likely every superstar in private security and counter-measures is under contract to the federal government for consulting. Yet, with all that, we are expected to believe that a rag-tag bunch of 100 or so civilians with MAGA hats breached security and established a position within the Capitol Rotunda? Just not possible. If this doesn’t fail the smell test, nothing does.

Also yesterday, investigative reporter John Solomon dropped a bomb, too late to save the President from another rushed impeachment at the hands of what I now truly believe are evil people working against the average American, the deplorables as they call them, for their own personal power and to usher in a socialist/communist government.

In my writing, I have never labeled people evil, but I do so now...

Read all about it here:

American Thinker: GOP, R.I.P.

Over the last five years at a couple of hundred Trump rallies there were zero riots. Period!

Over the last year, across the country BLM and Antifa “peaceful protests” erupted into 220 riots, resulting in 30 people being killed, 2,000 police injured, multiple attacks on police stations and federal buildings, public and federal property vandalized, minority communities and businesses destroyed, and portions of cities taken over by force.

And just who was to blame for these deadly Riots? Not one Democrat politician who voiced their wholehearted support for BLM or any other high profile liberal media or Hollywood type. And certainly not Joe Biden or Kamala Harris who have the full support of BLM and Antifa.

And what were the consequences for BLM and Antifa as a result of all the riots, death, and destruction? Community leaders defunded the police. Leftists media and Democrat politicians applauded and encouraged their actions and encouraged compliance to their cause. Corporations gave millions to their cause. Big tech applauded their actions and censored all opposition and condemnation of their actions. And citizens put yard signs in their yards to promote their cause.

There are hundreds of incidents of double standards and blatant hypocrisy by leftists Democrats and their media and corporate supporters, but the time for pointing it out as the only defense the Republican Party can muster is over.

It’s just as Nancy Pelosi says, “people will do what they do.”

So, I, along with probably millions of other Trump supporters, who feel personally betrayed by both GOP Rep. McCarthy, Senate GOP Leader McConnell, and a host of other feckless congressional Republicans, “will do what we do” and LEAVE the Republican Party.   

And I’m fairly sure there are about 50 or 60 million other disgruntled Republicans who will be on-board with this movement.

Read all about it here:

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Donald Trump's New Political Party Could Trump House & Senate Democrats and Republicans...

 If everyone who voted not to accept fraudulent 2020 Election results went with President Trump to form a new political party, he would have 130 Members of Congress and 7 Senators.

That's enough to control any vote of substance if they remained loyal. Which I think they would.

And I'm willing to bet more Senators and Congressmen would join him.

Now he just needs a good name for his political party.

How about "TRUMP?"

Recorded votes could read: Democrats, Republicans, & Trumps.

Trump Impeachment v 2.0

Watch House Impeachment here:


Raheem Kassam Exposes US Capitol Attacker


Cong. Marjorie Taylor Greene Defends President Trump



Riots, Deaths & Sexual Assault at Woodstock in 1969...

Read all about it here: