Thursday, February 09, 2006

Egyptian Newspaper Published Danish Cartoons

Egyptian Sandmonkey has the images of an Egyptian newspaper that published copies of the famous Danish cartoons in December--something the New York Times, Washington Post, and Boston Globe still refuse to do... which makes one think about some sort of variation on the cliche, "more Catholic than the Pope," to explain their editorial decisions. (ht lgf)

Andrew Sullivan has this to say:
So we now discover that the hideously offensive and blasphemous cartoons - so blasphemous that CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post, won't publish them ... were reprinted last October. In Egypt. On the front frigging page. No one rioted. No editor at Al Fager was threatened. So it's official: the Egyptian state media is less deferential to Islamists than the New York Times. So where were the riots in Cairo? This whole affair is a contrived, manufactured attempt by extremist Muslims to move the goal-posts on Western freedom. They're saying: we determine what you can and cannot print; and there's a difference between what Muslims can print and what infidels can print. And, so far, much of the West has gone along. In this, well-meaning American editors have been played for fools and cowards. Maybe if they'd covered the murders of von Gogh and Fortuyn more aggressively they'd have a better idea of what's going on; and stared down this intimidation. The whole business reminds me of the NYT's coverage of the Nazis in the 1930s. They didn't get the threat then. They don't get it now.