Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Deep Throat Outs Self

The news that Mark Felt, number 2 at the FBI in the Nixon administration, has come forward to reveal that he was "Deep Throat" is interesting. Some thoughts:

1. I really thought I would never live long enough to learn who "Deep Throat" was. The Nixon years formed me, Woodward and Bernstein and crusading journalists were heros, I fell for the whole thing. I demonstrated against Nixon while in high school. Only later did I see what a difficult job he had, how close the US came to losing the Cold War, and the myriad other things a teenager is unaware of. Still, Nixon did himself in--as he admitted.. Now it seems, ironically, that if Nixon had only promoted Felt to replace Hoover, instead of bringing in L. Patrick Gray, Watergate might have been avoided. Hell hath no fury like a civil servant passed over for promotion... Felt himself was convicted for doing "black bag jobs" and pardoned by President Reagan, so the actual Watergate burglary clearly wasn't the issue. As everyone said at that time, it wasn't the crime, it was the cover-up.

2. I'm glad there really was a "Deep Throat." By now, I'd gotten a little too cynical about the press, and sometimes doubted that he existed. It makes me feel a little better about the myth/reality ratio in the world.

3. One man can make a difference. Really.

4. Warning to President Bush: You can't even trust the FBI (I think Clinton already learned this...).