Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Ann Coulter on the CBS Rathergate Coverup

Ann Coulter is in fine form about the CBS report on AnnCoulter.com (it helps that she's a lawyer). Some excerpts:

Dan Rather and his crack investigative producer Mary Mapes are still not admitting the documents were fakes. Of course, Dan Rather is still not admitting Kerry lost the election...

Proving once again how useless 'moderate Republicans' are, The CBS Report -- co-authored by moderate Republican Dick Thornburgh -- found no evidence of political bias at CBS.

This isn't a lack of "rigor" in fact-checking, as the CBS report suggests. It's a total absence of fact-checking. CBS found somebody who told the story they wanted told — and they ran with it, wholly disregarding the facts.

If Fox News had come out with a defamatory story about Kerry based on forged documents, liberals would be demanding we cut power to the place. (Fortunately, the real documents on Kerry were enough to do the trick). But the outside investigators hired by CBS could find no political agenda at CBS.

By contrast, the report did not hesitate to accuse the bloggers who exposed the truth about the documents of having 'a conservative agenda.' As with liberal attacks on Fox's 'fair and balanced' motto, it is now simply taken for granted that 'conservative bias' means 'the truth.'