Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Chris Farrell: Trump Supporters Silenced & Criminalized


  • There is a concerted effort to tar every Trump supporter with the brush of Capitol mob protester. That is a lie. It is deliberate and malicious. It is a plan to intimidate and silence.

  • Facebook is purging all content referencing "stop the steal" — although there is ample evidence of voting irregularities and cause for election reform. Twitter is suspending and expelling hundreds of thousands of users. President Trump is among them. Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Hosseini Khamenei, who leads public cheers of "Death to America!", is not.

  • Trump gave a speech stating: "if you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore." That remark is supposed to qualify as "incitement to insurrection." What a pathetic, transparent lie! Think of the number of times innumerable politicians have invoked "fight" to express encouragement for active public policy engagement. We "fight" for healthcare, justice, human rights, entitlements, civil rights — even peace.

  • The criminality of Hillary's outlaw email server, the phony Russia Hoax, the fake Ukraine Impeachment, FISA Warrant abuse, the politically contaminated and compromised FBI — that all gets a "pass" — but Trump telling supporters to fight for their country — THAT is impeachable? 

    Read all about it here:

Rudy Giuliani: What Really Happened on January 6th?

 Watch here:

The National Pulse: Transition Integrity Project May Have Role In US Capitol Attacks

In 2020, The National Pulse exposed the Chinese Communist Party and Democrat-linked Transition Integrity Project (TIP) as working to fix a victory for Joe Biden. The group, which conducted wargames about potential election outcomes, is staffed and funded extensively by Obama administration alumni.

Read it all here:

Ann Corcoran: Do Not Attend Supposed “Armed” Protests Leading up to Biden’s Inauguration!

Whoever these people are, and I believe they are involved in a massive psyops operation to further suck decent, patriotic and angry Trump supporters into legal trouble, they are not Patriots.

Frankly, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that the FBI was warning that rally goers in all 50 states and at the US Capitol would be armed.

What!  Is the FBI trying to instigate trouble?

Read all about it here:

US Military Leadership Mutinies Against President Trump


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Daily Mail: McConnell & Cheney Want To Impeach President Trump

 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is signaling support for the House Democratic impeachment effort that includes an article charging the president with 'incitement of insurrection.'

The view of the GOP powerbroker emerged shortly before Rep. Liz Cheney, a member of the House GOP leadership, announced that she would vote for impeaching President Trump.  

'On January 6, 2021 a violent mob attacked the United States Capitol to obstruct the process of our democracy and stop the counting of presidential electoral votes. This insurrection caused injury, death and destruction in the most sacred space in our Republic,' wrote Cheney, the daughter of the former vice president.

Read all about it here:

President Trump's Alamo Speech

 Watch here:

Tucker Carlson Notices What's Happening...

Watch here:

Will President Trump's Second Impeachment Become America's "Dreyfus Affair?"


"The Degradation of Alfred Dreyfus"

What's going on right now to President Trump sounds awfully familiar to me:

False charges, forged documents, fake news, Establishment conspiracy, and Israel-haters acting in concert to smear an innocent man...

The Dreyfus Affair lasted in France from 1894 until 1906. 

Some twelve years.

President Trump has been subjected to hoaxes and frame-ups since 2016...which is going on for four years, so far.

If what's past is prologue, it indicates we may have eight more years of this type of public abuse to look forward to. 

After being publicly humiliated, Dreyfus was sent to Devil's Island by the French, for further degradation. 

I sincerely hope President Trump isn't sent to Guantanamo after his second impeachment by the Biden Administration, to add to his humiliation.

In any case, I would not count on this story ending before 2028...

Monday, January 11, 2021

This Is Only Supposed To Happen In Communist Countries...

 Don Surber writes:

The corporate communists and DC acted with speed and overwhelming force to silence dissent. Republicans unleash shock and awe on foreign enemies. Democrats unleash shock and awe on their political opponents.

Stephen L. Miller wrote, "If Joe Biden and the media have any intent on ‘healing’ and ‘unifying’ post-Trump and Trumpism, they haven’t done much to show it. Maybe this is because it’s in the best interest of the Biden agenda, and the revenue of Big Tech, and the audience retention of the corporate media to keep us as we are — a nation divided."

That is a spot on observation. They won. They are Auric Goldfinger responding to 007 saying, "You expect me to talk?"

"No, Mr Bond, I expect you to die."

The communists are tired of us. They are bored by our insistence that this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. 2016 taught them the lesson that we can still rebel at the ballot box. They figured a way around that in 2020. 

Read all about it here:

GAB's Statement on Big Tech Tyranny

If your business is built on the backs of Silicon Valley tyrants (Apple, Google, et al) they can and will attempt to destroy you if and when you become a threat to their interests.

They did this to Gab. Then Fortnite. Now Parler.

Terrible content of all kinds is available on Twitter and Facebook.
Everyone on the planet knows this fact.
Yet both companies are on both App Stores.

Apple banning Parler is not the neutral implementation of some objective standard, but rather a cynical, politically motivated gesture and evidence of Silicon Valley elites’ disdain for ordinary Americans.

The solution, as always, is not government.
It is to build your own.
People mock this meme, but Gab lives it.
While others whine, we build.

Read it all here:

US Military Joins Coup To Oust President Trump Before Inauguration Day

 But make no mistake. There has been a coup attempt in America this week. The globalist American regime has effectively overthrown Donald Trump two weeks early, and is now moving to secure its power.

Real coups are not clumsy mob attacks adjacent to lawmakers. Real coups, above all, are about control: Control of communications, control of bureaucracy, and above all, control of military power. And in the past few days, it is President Trump’s enemies who have seized control of all these things.

The most obvious sign of the unfolding coup is the most memorable: The suspension, and then banning, of the President’s Twitter account. After this ban was handed down, a flurry of other tech companies rushed to follow suit.

Read all about it here:

Andrea Widburg: Democratic Party Moves To Consolidate One-Party Rule

But hubristic Democrats have another plan, one that’s even worse than striking at Trump. Ignoring their repeated history of objecting to Republican presidential Electoral College certifications, they plan to use sec. 3 of the 14th Amendment to remove all federal and state elected officials who objected to Biden’s Electoral College votes. That section bars political office to people who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the Constitution” or gave “aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

The 14th Amendment, of course, was written and passed immediately after a shooting Civil War that killed over 600,000 men. But that’s not stopping Rep. Cori Bush (D. Mo.), a pastor who leads “with radical love,” from working to “expel the Republican members of Congress who incited the white supremacist attempted coup.”

Rep. Ayanna Pressley is all in because “white supremacy is when Black skin alone is treated as a crime punishable by death, but white skin allows you to incite a violent overthrow of the government & still act entitled to hold elected office.” Pelosi is on board, too, because she’s trying to delay the day these execrable race hustlers turn on her.

The Russians had a word for what Democrats are doing: Purge (Большой террор). The Greeks had a word too: Hubris. Both are very bad words.

Read all about it at:  

Pamela Geller: US Capitol Protest Was Call For Election Integrity

 Patriots who attended the protest are being hunted down like dogs, fired from their jobs, shamed in the public square.

Were there a couple of bad actors in the million-person march for America? Of course. But there were also agitators from Antifa. You'll read nothing of that, either.

So why the desperate frenzy? They fear Trump. They fear us. But mostly because it’s an opportunity for totalitarians. It provides the context -- the optics -- to put down the people, as CNN and the rest of the Goebbelsesque media want to do. It is the Democrat version of the Reichstag fire.

They will force us underground. We will communicate like Germany’s “White Rose” Society (aka “Leaflets of the Resistance”).

If you think I am exaggerating, look around. I was right about it all.

The Great Purge is hardly new. It is used in all totalitarian seizures of power. Think Hitler, Stalin, Mao et al.... destroy the opposition. Crush dissent.

Read all about it here:

Democratic Party Approved Riots Video Archive Goes Online


Clarice Feldman: The Night Of The Tech Long Knives

I’m old fashioned. From the days before -- to  paraphrase one wag -- the party of JFK became the party of Lee Harvey Oswald. So old fashioned, I think the best way to determine policy and to understand events is open dialogue. Without it, it’s a thugs' and idiots’ paradise. So I’ll keep writing online until my doubleplusungood thoughts get cancelled. I’m too old to pass the exam for a ham radio license, but I’m sure we'll figure out something.

Read all about it here:

Bill Clinton Commuted US Capitol Bomber's Sentence In 2001

 Some terrorists are apparently more equal than other terrorists:

In 1988, Rosenberg additionally faced accusations of "aiding and abetting" a string of bombings targeting the U.S. Capitol, the National War College and the New York Patrolmen's Benevolent Association.

Additional charges included a role in a series of New York attacks, of which bombs were planted but did not detonate, on sites such as the FBI's office in Staten Island. These charges were discarded as part of a plea deal by other revolutionary members and Rosenberg was neither tried nor convicted in connection to the 1983-1985 terrorism surge.

Rosenberg and Blunk went on to appeal their convictions and sentences unsuccessfully. 

Throughout what would be just 16 years in federal lockup, Rosenberg became a noted author, poet and activist – even earning a master's degree from Antioch University and voraciously writing. In the morning of Jan. 20, 2001, then-President Bill Clinton commuted Rosenberg's sentence.

She swiftly moved from prison to her mother's Manhattan apartment.

"I have seen speculation that Rosenberg's sentence was commuted based upon the connection between her former attorney Howard Gutman and President Clinton," Gray said. "Gutman was a big donor to the Democratic Party."

Read it all here:

Daniel Greefield: China Now More Dangerous Than USSR

 Mutually Assured Destruction was based on the idea that neither side would be willing to flirt with destruction. But China’s biowarfare attack ‘nuked’ itself, before going on to cause destruction among the economies targeted by the Communist regime. The Communist grip on power had been based on this fundamental willingness to sacrifice millions for its goals. And while the Communist regime maintained its popularity by offering social mobility and consumer gadgets, its elite remain committed to that same genocidal Maoist willingness to kill millions.

China’s biowarfare lab in Wuhan infected its own city before going on to release deadlier strains of the virus in Europe. The Wuhan release tested China’s own society and demonstrated the regime’s willingness to kill its own people in unknown numbers for the sake of the greater good.

All of this makes Communist China a deadlier enemy than the Soviet Union ever was.

Read all about it here:

Robert Spencer: Biden Brings Fascism To America

This deal between Hitler and the German business titans was one of the principal reasons why his regime is called “fascist” at all. The word “fascist” comes from the Latin fasces, “bundles,” usually bundles of wooden rods. It might seem at first glance to be an odd name for a political movement, but the idea was that the disparate forces in society were bundled together in a unity of purpose and allegiance. Thus for the ancient Romans the fasces were a symbol of governmental authority, and from that Mussolini took the name of his movement. In ensuring that private businesses could remain private but had to work for the good of the state as a whole and under direction of the National Socialist government, Hitler was bundling together the titans of business, unifying them in service to his agenda.

So it is today. The social media giants and the Leftist government elites, the swamp that has reasserted its hegemony by installing Old Joe in the White House, are working in lockstep. The government doesn’t own the social media outlets, and it doesn’t have to: whether Big Tech is submitting to overall direction by the state or the state is submitting to overall direction by Big Tech, the outcome is the same: every major force in American society is marching in the same direction, while dissenters are stigmatized, demonized, framed for crimes they didn’t commit, silenced, and isolated.

Thus what we are seeing in the last few days, with the banning of the president of the United States from the main means of communication today, and the unity of purpose between the media, Big Tech, and the Democratic Party in propagating the Big Lie that Trump incited violence and attempted a coup on January 6, is fascism in action. And if the fascists aren’t stopped soon, what we have already seen will be just the beginning.

 Read all about it here:

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Big Tech Censorship Campaign = Biden Coup Evidence

 The first thing that happens in a coup is coup-makers cut lines of communication of their enemies. 

Recent censorship announcements by Big Tech tell everyone that BIDEN is currently launching his coup--not President Trump.