“This is slavery, not to speak one's thought.” ― Euripides, The Phoenician Women
Friday, December 28, 2018
Some New Year’s Resolutions for President Trump
Christmas feasting ended, we turn to 2019 with a mixture of apprehension and hope, humbly offering some New Year’s Resolutions for President Trump...
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/some-new-year-resolutions-president-trump-new-year-039-s-resolutions-pre-1545845758
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
President Trump's 2018 Highs and Lows
Washington consultant Joe Gelman believes appointing Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was President Trump's greatest success in 2018. "Failing to drain the Swamp" is his greatest failure, "because instead the Swamp is draining him."
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/president-trump-2018-highs-lows-president-donald-trump-justice-1545239154
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Read Jane Jacobs' "Systems of Survival" to Understand Donald Trump

Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/read-jane-jacobs-systems-survival-understand-donald-trump-trump-jane-jacobs-obama-1544982292
Bannon and Frum Debate Trump's American Populism--in Canada
Steve Bannon and David Frum's Munk Debate from November 2nd was one of the stranger television shows that I have seen. Contra Frum, Bannon argued President Trump is a transformative figure in "the Fourth Turning" of American history (The Revolution, Civil War and New Deal were the other three). So the Obama Administration's end represented the exhaustion of one cycle, the Trump Administration the beginning of another.
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/bannon-frum-debate-trump-american-populism-canada-trump-administration-populism--1544894974
Monday, December 10, 2018
The Unforgettable William Barr
Sometime in 1993, fate seated me next to former Attorney General William Barr on the Washington-NY shuttle. We spoke for about an hour about the recent tragic raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas which killed 76 people. He told me no one would have died if it had been properly handled. He knew because he supervised a similar raid at a prison in 1991--where everyone lived. I never forgot that conversation...
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/the-unforgettable-william-barr-william-barr-trump-waco-1544458494
Saturday, December 01, 2018
President George H. W. Bush (1924-2018): Outspoken Foe of Political Correctness
President George H.W. Bush is memorialized as an American war hero and symbol of civility. However, Americans need to remember that opposition to Political Correctness is equally his legacy, declared in a May 4, 1991 University of Michigan commencement address.
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/president-george-h-w-bush-1924-2018-outspoken-foe-political-correctness-george-h-w-bush-political-corr-1543682367
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Chicago on the Nile
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Dr. W. Raymond Johnson with Chicago House's collection of ancient Egyptian prints and drawings |
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/chicago-nile-egypt-flaubert-chicago-1543337623
Monday, November 26, 2018
Egypt Recovers From Arab Spring
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Author at the Giza Mena House Hotel (Cairo) |
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/egypt-recovers-arab-spring-egypt-pyramids-arab-spring-1543149285
Thursday, November 01, 2018
Joseph Gelman Says American Jews Must Reject Politicization of Pittsburgh Massacre
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Joseph Gelman with former Israeli President Shimon Peres |
Following the Tree of Life synagogue massacre in Pittsburgh last Saturday, Joseph Gelman urges the American Jewish community to reject politicization and instead work with people of goodwill across the political spectrum--including President Trump.
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/joseph-gelman-urges-american-jews-reject-politicization-pittsburgh-massacre-trump-anti-semitism-hate-1541017509
Saturday, October 27, 2018
William Woodward's Natural Beauty
For Woodward, artistic beauty isn’t merely a social construct. It is actually inherent in human nature. In fact, it is found within our DNA. The pull of beauty is eternal, and from the cave-dwellers of Lascaux, to the cliff-dwellers of Washington, people commune with nature via art.
Thursday, October 25, 2018
The Palestinian-"Caravan" Connection
Posted at http://www.pueblosinfronteras.org/members.html:
Palestine and Latin America: Marches for Justice meet
On Tuesday, April 10, the Mexican Coordination for Palestine (CORSOPAL) and the #WorldwithoutWalls delegation handed over a letter from the Palestinian Stop the Wall Campaign to the Via Crucis March of Migrants as it arrived in Mexico City.
At the same moment that Palestinians in Gaza started the #GreatReturnMarch, migrants from all over Central America, in particular Honduras, started their march towards the US border, militarized by the Wall of Infamy. The letter highlights the connections between the people struggles as well as the complicity between the powers that oppress them.
From Palestine, as part of a people whose majority is refugees and displaced persons because of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of our lands, we want to extend our solidarity.
We want to tell you that we are in struggle together with you.
We salute your March of the over 1500 migrants that challenge US racist and exclusivist migration policies that stop the people from crossing borders, depriving them of their basic rights to freedom of movement and rights as refugees. We recognize that most of you have been forced to leave your homes because of US foreign policies and oppressive political regimes backed by the United States and, we add, Israel as the one state that has since the seventies until today militarily and politically backed each and every coup, dictatorship and anti-peoples regime in Latin America.
As Palestinians we feel deeply connected to your experiences.
70 years ago, our Nakba (catastrophe) began when Israel established itself on the mass ethnic cleansing of our people and over half of our people have been, often at gunpoint, forced out of their homes and their lands for Israel to establish its apartheid regime. Since 1948 when entire villages were fleeing Israeli military aggression and massacres, until today, Israeli policies of occupation and colonization continue to expel our people by taking our lands and destroying our communities. Israeli repression, including ongoing invasions, night raids and large scale incarceration, aims to make live impossible. Half of the Palestinian male population passes at least once through Israeli prisons.
Israel has built an up to 8 meter high Wall around Gaza to besiege its population and around the West Bank villages and towns our people so that today we are allowed to access and use only 13% of our historic homeland.
Like you, we know the Via Crucis of long marches.
As you are marching to claim your rights as migrants, in Palestine the people of Gaza, the large majority of them refugees expelled from their homes 70 years ago, have started their Long March of Return. Every Friday tens of thousands of people are marching to the militarized border of Gaza that is part of Israel’s wall structure that imposes since over a decade the brutal siege on Gaza. People demand an end to the siege and occupation, they demand their UN sanctioned Right of Return. They demand an end to Israeli apartheid. Regular marches to the military checkpoints at the exits of our cities and Israel’s up to 8 meter high wall that is ghettoising our villages in the occupied West Bank are ongoing as well.
We may be geographically far away from your march but our oppressors are united in the same criminal and cruel policies, mutually supporting each other.
Israeli walls are the example for the US administration when promoting the Wall of Infamy at the US-Mexico border. Not by chance the same Israeli companies build both walls. Not by chance the same drones tested on our people in Gaza are being used to militarize the southern border of Mexico to comply with US dictates.
While many of you have been driven from your homes in Honduras by Juan Orlando Hérnandez regime, Israel has signed a military agreement with JOH. Israel has invited him as the first foreign president to participate in the celebrations of Israel’s 70 years of establishment on the ethnic cleansing of our people, ironically then cancelling the invitation because of human rights abuses for which Israel has provided assistance since the coup against Manuel Zelaya.
Just as Donald Trump has ordered a military troops to be deployed at the US-Mexico Wall to defend the US racist and exclusionary policies against your legitimate claims for rights, Israel has stationed its military and snipers behind the border wall to Gaza against unarmed civilians. Over 30 people have been killed so far by Israeli snipers inside Gaza, thousands injured while the international community remains in complicit silence. The US veto against any condemnation of Israel’s ongoing massacre of civilians at the #GazaReturnMarches aims to protest as well its own criminal policies. Yet, Palestinian popular mobilization will persist and grow.
We know that we share a struggle for our rights and dignity, for the right to freedom of movement, for the right to live on our lands and homes, for the right to self-determination.
For us all existence is resistance.
We know that our struggles united can achieve a #WorldwithoutWalls and Justice, Freedom and Equality for all.
In solidarity,
Palestinian Grassroots Stop the Wall Campaign
Sunday, October 21, 2018
The Khashoggi Affair: Business As Usual For Saudi Arabia
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Jamal Khashoggi |
Adnan Khashoggi |
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Dr. James Kurth |
Pundits have declared the gruesome death of Jamal Khashoggi an international crisis, but one authority on international politics disagrees. Dr. James Kurth of Swarthmore College confronted Uncle Adnan Khashoggi in 1977 and remains sanguine about the future of Saudi-American relations. He believes assassinations are normal in the Arab world, advises the Trump administration to do nothing to stop them, and resist the siren call of "Democracy Building."
Read the whole thing at TheLATEST.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/the-khashoggi-affair-business-as-usual-for-saudi-arabia-saudi-arabia-jamal-khashoggi-i-1540003328Saturday, October 13, 2018
Eva Brann--The Imaginative Conservative
In 2015, Dr. Eva Brann, a tutor at St. John’s College in Annapolis, published a 12-point essay titled “Reflections on Imaginative Conservativism” declaring: “The imaginative conservative’s practical project is survival without loss of soul.” After reading that, I ordered her book on the topic, "Then and Now," which begins with Herodotus. Still seeking to learn more, I went to Annapolis, to ask Dr. Brann in person how Imaginative Conservatism works....
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/eva-brann-the-imaginative-conservative-conservative-imagination-trump-1539384109
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/eva-brann-the-imaginative-conservative-conservative-imagination-trump-1539384109
Saturday, October 06, 2018
Tucker Carson's "Ship of Fools": How a Selfish Ruling Class is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution
Like Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson believes you should show that you can clean up your room before you “save the planet.” He holds views similar to Bill Clinton’s “Double Bubba” 1992 platform, calling for good jobs at good wages. But he says Democrats are now a Party of the Rich, whose liberal “meritocrats” became the “establishment” they pretended to despise.
Read the whole thing in TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/tucker-carson-ship-of-fools-how-selfish-ruling-class-bringing-america-brink-revolution-democrats-ruling-class-trump-1538784201
Saturday, September 29, 2018
The Trump Doctrine Promises to "Make the UN Great Again"
This week’s most important news took place on Monday in New York when President Trump unveiled his "Trump Doctrine" at the UN General Assembly, not in Washington over whether Brett Kavanaugh groped Christine Blasey Ford at a party some thirty-six years ago.
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/the-trump-doctrine-promises-make-un-great-again-trump-united-nations-foreign-p-1538176137
Friday, September 21, 2018
Is Judge Kavanaugh the Republican Emmett Till?

Those who "believe all women" have forgotten the lesson of Emmett Till, falsely accused of sexual harassment by Carolyn Bryan in 1955.
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/is-judge-kavanaugh-republican-emmett-till-brett-kavanaugh-sexual-harrass-1537541376
Saturday, September 15, 2018
Trump’s Shanksville Speech Provides the Answer to 9/11
In contrast to a Bush-Obama legacy of despair and loss, Trump’s 9/11 Shanksville Flight 93 National Memorial address is a bold call to action: “Free people are never at the mercy of evil because our destiny is always in our hands. America’s future is not written by our enemies. America’s future is written by our heroes.”
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/trump-shanksville-speech-provides-answer-9-11-trump-flight-93-shanksville-1536983494
Saturday, September 08, 2018
Conservative Surrender Fueled "Crisis in the Humanities"
The current “Crisis in the Humanities,” illustrated by Benjamin Schmidt’s graph, is that students are “voting with their feet” to pursue STEM instead of Liberal Arts. He says this is due to economic pressures, but a contributing factor was Conservatives who steered students into STEM to escape PC indoctrination—thus ceding the Humanities to those who wished to “subvert the dominant paradigm.”
Read the whole thing at The Latest.com: https://thelatest.com/tlt/conservative-surrender-fueled-crisis-humanities-political-correctness-humaniti-1536363216
Sunday, September 02, 2018
In 2018 Congressional Elections: US Constitution is at Stake
Bottom Line:
In "Seven Days in May," Kirk Douglas saved President Lyman from a coup. However, today's elite may care more about “saving the planet” than preserving, protecting and defending the Constitution.That’s why in the 2018 elections, more than the Presidency of Donald Trump is on the ballot…the US Constitution is at stake.
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com (https://thelatest.com/tlt/us-constitution-stake-2018-elections-trump-resistance-revolution-1535755640)
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Coulter's RESISTANCE IS FUTILE! How the Trump-Hating Left Lost Its Collective Mind
Bottom line:
Resistance is Futile! is not a screed, but rather a carefully documented study of media duplicities and double-standards, written with humor and panache.
Read the whole thing at TheLatest.com (https://thelatest.com/tlt/ann-coulter-resistance-futile-the-media-laid-bare-trump-media-ann-coulter-1535144594).
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Thank you Sen. Nelson, Sen. Rubio & Cong. Gaetz!
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Public Domain photo by Michael Strasser, DVIDS |
For inserting this section into the 2019 John McCain National Defense Authorization Act signed by President Trump at Fort Drum, New York on August 13th:
Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Navy shall submit to the congressional defense committees a plan to allow increased public access to the National Naval Aviation Museum and Barrancas National Cemetery at Naval Air Station Pensacola.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
My letter of application to the University of Virginia's Miller Center
I learned today from The Washington Post that two professors have quit the University of Virginia's Miller Center in protest against the hiring of former Trump administration official Marc Short to teach about the Presidency.
It seemed this presents an opportunity to call the bluff of self-described "nonpartisan" academics by asking to fill one of the two now-empty slots, in order to add some more political diversity to the faculty and fellows... since I'm pretty sure the number of pro-Trump professors on staff is pretty low right now. After all, even President Bushes 41 & 43 all but endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2016, and kept bashing Trump after Election Day.
So, I went to the Miller Center website, and sent them a letter on their contact form:
Dear Miller Center,
I see from the press that 2 faculty members have resigned from your nonpartisan Institute because of the Mark Short appointment. I guess that creates two openings for pro-Trump scholars to further balance your faculty, so I’d like to apply. Here is a link to my 2017 documentary on Pres. Trump: https://thetrumpeffectmovie.blogspot.com.
I have a Ph.D., M.F.A., taught at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School for 15 years, was a Fulbright Scholar at UWED in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, an ACCELS visiting professor at RGGU in Moscow, Russia, a Bradley Scholar at the Heritage Foundation, regional finalist for the White House Fellowship, president of THIS for Diplomats, on the board of the Voltaire Society of America & Arts Club of Washington, producer-director of “Who Shall Live and Who’s Shall Die?”, author or editor of a number of books and articles including “PBS: Behind the Screen,” “Masterpiece Theater and the Politics of Quality,” “The National Endowments: A Critical Symposium,” and currently teach at UMUC.
My cell phone is xxx-xxx-xxxx if you have any questions.
I look forward to the opportunity to add more intellectual diversity to the Miller Center, and hope to hear from you soon in this regard.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely,I don't expect to receive a job, or even an answer, just wanted to put on record that any shortage of pro-Trump faculty is most probably not a bug but a feature at the University of Virginia, as well as that any imbalance in the faculty more likely by design than by accident...ironic, since Trump Winery is just down the road from campus, and one might think the UVA might want to add President Trump to Jefferson and Monroe as local heroes for their Center for the Study of the Presidency.
Laurence A. Jarvik, Ph.D.
Friday, July 20, 2018
After Helsinki's Trump-Putin Summit, The Russia Card is Still America's Trump Card
The recent Helsinki Summit between Presidents Trump and Putin, and subsequent media controversy, reminds me that it is still the case that the Russia Card is America's Trump Card, as I wrote in a 2017 post for this blog. For Russia has been a constant factor in American electoral politics for the last few decades.
I thought of this background as I watched the Helsinki press conference.
However, what I saw in the video did not match most media reports in the United States.
Instead of Putin besting Trump, as pundits declared, I saw a strong and confident President Trump towering head and shoulders over a shorter and suppliant President Putin.
This reality is reflected in the official Kremlin photo to the left. Trump is much taller, and much bigger, than Putin. Indeed, even his tie is bigger than Putin's.
In my opinion, in Helsinki Russia seemed to be asking for a "reset" of its own, a counterpoint to Hillary Clinton's failed initiative in the Obama administration.
Given the correlation of forces, it would be a mistake of historic proportions, in my opinion, to not to "give peace a chance" by attempting one more time to negotiate a "New Deal" between Moscow and Washington. If anyone can negotiate such an agreement, it would be the author of "The Art of the Deal." America has no better negotiator in our bullpen.
Indeed, the election of President Trump provides an opportunity for improved relations which in many ways mirrors the election of President Yeltsin in 1991, for in many ways Trump is America's Yeltsin.
At the time of Yeltsin's accession to power, there was bipartisan support from both Democratic President Bill Clinton and Republican Leader Bob Dole for improving relations with Russia to help Yeltsin move the country into the modern world.
Although the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, and subsequent breakup of the formerly "nonaligned" state, provided a thorn in the side to mutual relations, both the United States and Russia made great progress on many fronts, from nuclear non-proliferation to our joint space launches.
President Yeltsin toured the USA to great applause, and American firms were welcomed into the former Soviet Space. Yeltsin even visited farms in Kansas with Senator Dole.
That this Golden Age of sorts turned sour, was perhaps inevitable, based on mutual misunderstandings and miscalculations. At the time, the balance of power was so unfavorable to Russia, that resentful accommodation by Moscow replaced negotiated mutually beneficial agreements --which could probably have been worked out, had Washington not labored under ideological delusions of "The End of History" and "The Unipolar Moment."
If Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" had been the guidebook instead, President Clinton might have worked out a Yalta 2.0 which favored American interests such that NATO might have become unnecessary--for Russia could have served as an American ally to balance the rise of China.
Unfortunately, NATO expansion, pressures from the EU, the Arab world, and domestic American political calculations made that deal un-doable in the 1990s. By 2001, relations were raw once again.
The 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks presented another opportunity for a new deal. President Putin, convinced that Al Qaeda was the same enemy he had fought in Chechnya, assisted President Bush with American anti-terrorism efforts, opened Russian supply routes to Afghanistan, sold Russian helicopters, and invited President Bush to V-E Day ceremonies in Moscow--which he willingly attended no doubt to send a signal of resolve to Osama Bin Laden.
Yet again, obstacles surfaced, as disputes over former Warsaw Pact states appeared impervious to negotiation, flared into violence in Georgia and Ukraine, as "color revolutions" began to dash renewed hopes of a rapprochement. Russia was stronger than in the 1990s, but had not rebuilt her military or economy. Another opportunity for a deal more favorable to the United States had been missed.
The election of Barack Obama, twice over more anti-Russian candidates McCain and Romney, opened yet another opportunity to make a deal.
By 2008, Russia was stronger than at the turn of the millennium, but still not in full form. Once again, there was a chance for a "reset," symbolized by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's now infamous button gift to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
As many remember, Obama had mocked Romney's anti-Russian attitude, with a memorably dismissive zinger in a 2012 debate:
Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al-Qaida is a threat. Because a few months ago, when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia. Not al-Qaida. You said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. Because, y’know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”
However, Obama's "Arab Spring," overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yankuovych, and support for anti-Putin protests by "Pussy Riot" and Alex Navalny in Moscow did little to improve relations, much less reset them. Russian annexation of Crimea and American passage of the Magnitsky Act added fuel to the fire, which erupted into hot proxy wars in Syria and Ukraine, eventually leading to relations so unfriendly they were immortalized in a Putin-Obama "stare down" at the 2016 G20 Summit.
Sadly, in the aftermath of the Helsinki Summit, opponents of President Trump have made the Russia Card an obstacle once more... by accusing him of everything from "failing to stand up to Putin" to "treason."
Perhaps, though, this third time may prove a charm for President Trump, for the Russia Card cannot be understood out of context. For the Russia Card is about a great deal more than Russia--it is the flip side of the "Muslim Card" which Trump deployed very successfully against Hillary Clinton and President Obama during the 2016 election. Attacks on Russia are often diversionary tactics designed to steer attention away from Islamic terrorism.
I thought of this background as I watched the Helsinki press conference.
However, what I saw in the video did not match most media reports in the United States.
Instead of Putin besting Trump, as pundits declared, I saw a strong and confident President Trump towering head and shoulders over a shorter and suppliant President Putin.
This reality is reflected in the official Kremlin photo to the left. Trump is much taller, and much bigger, than Putin. Indeed, even his tie is bigger than Putin's.
In my opinion, in Helsinki Russia seemed to be asking for a "reset" of its own, a counterpoint to Hillary Clinton's failed initiative in the Obama administration.
Given the correlation of forces, it would be a mistake of historic proportions, in my opinion, to not to "give peace a chance" by attempting one more time to negotiate a "New Deal" between Moscow and Washington. If anyone can negotiate such an agreement, it would be the author of "The Art of the Deal." America has no better negotiator in our bullpen.
Indeed, the election of President Trump provides an opportunity for improved relations which in many ways mirrors the election of President Yeltsin in 1991, for in many ways Trump is America's Yeltsin.
At the time of Yeltsin's accession to power, there was bipartisan support from both Democratic President Bill Clinton and Republican Leader Bob Dole for improving relations with Russia to help Yeltsin move the country into the modern world.
Although the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, and subsequent breakup of the formerly "nonaligned" state, provided a thorn in the side to mutual relations, both the United States and Russia made great progress on many fronts, from nuclear non-proliferation to our joint space launches.
President Yeltsin toured the USA to great applause, and American firms were welcomed into the former Soviet Space. Yeltsin even visited farms in Kansas with Senator Dole.
That this Golden Age of sorts turned sour, was perhaps inevitable, based on mutual misunderstandings and miscalculations. At the time, the balance of power was so unfavorable to Russia, that resentful accommodation by Moscow replaced negotiated mutually beneficial agreements --which could probably have been worked out, had Washington not labored under ideological delusions of "The End of History" and "The Unipolar Moment."
If Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" had been the guidebook instead, President Clinton might have worked out a Yalta 2.0 which favored American interests such that NATO might have become unnecessary--for Russia could have served as an American ally to balance the rise of China.
Unfortunately, NATO expansion, pressures from the EU, the Arab world, and domestic American political calculations made that deal un-doable in the 1990s. By 2001, relations were raw once again.
The 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks presented another opportunity for a new deal. President Putin, convinced that Al Qaeda was the same enemy he had fought in Chechnya, assisted President Bush with American anti-terrorism efforts, opened Russian supply routes to Afghanistan, sold Russian helicopters, and invited President Bush to V-E Day ceremonies in Moscow--which he willingly attended no doubt to send a signal of resolve to Osama Bin Laden.
Yet again, obstacles surfaced, as disputes over former Warsaw Pact states appeared impervious to negotiation, flared into violence in Georgia and Ukraine, as "color revolutions" began to dash renewed hopes of a rapprochement. Russia was stronger than in the 1990s, but had not rebuilt her military or economy. Another opportunity for a deal more favorable to the United States had been missed.
The election of Barack Obama, twice over more anti-Russian candidates McCain and Romney, opened yet another opportunity to make a deal.
By 2008, Russia was stronger than at the turn of the millennium, but still not in full form. Once again, there was a chance for a "reset," symbolized by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's now infamous button gift to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.
As many remember, Obama had mocked Romney's anti-Russian attitude, with a memorably dismissive zinger in a 2012 debate:
Governor Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al-Qaida is a threat. Because a few months ago, when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia. Not al-Qaida. You said Russia. And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back. Because, y’know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”
However, Obama's "Arab Spring," overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yankuovych, and support for anti-Putin protests by "Pussy Riot" and Alex Navalny in Moscow did little to improve relations, much less reset them. Russian annexation of Crimea and American passage of the Magnitsky Act added fuel to the fire, which erupted into hot proxy wars in Syria and Ukraine, eventually leading to relations so unfriendly they were immortalized in a Putin-Obama "stare down" at the 2016 G20 Summit.
Sadly, in the aftermath of the Helsinki Summit, opponents of President Trump have made the Russia Card an obstacle once more... by accusing him of everything from "failing to stand up to Putin" to "treason."
Perhaps, though, this third time may prove a charm for President Trump, for the Russia Card cannot be understood out of context. For the Russia Card is about a great deal more than Russia--it is the flip side of the "Muslim Card" which Trump deployed very successfully against Hillary Clinton and President Obama during the 2016 election. Attacks on Russia are often diversionary tactics designed to steer attention away from Islamic terrorism.
This pattern seems to be repeating itself in media coverage of the Helsinki Summit. Buried in the noise about pledging faith in the intelligence community is news that President Trump and Putin discussed joint efforts to fight Islamic terrorism. President Trump mentioned cooperation in this regard at the July 16th joint press conference:
The President (Putin) and I also discussed the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism. Both Russia and the United States have suffered horrific terrorist attacks, and we have agreed to maintain open communication between our security agencies to protect our citizens from this global menace.Last year, we told Russia about a planned attack in St. Petersburg, and they were able to stop it cold. They found them. They stopped them. There was no doubt about it. I appreciated President Putin’s phone call afterwards to thank me.I also emphasized the importance of placing pressure on Iran to halt its nuclear ambitions and to stop its campaign of violence throughout the area, throughout the Middle East.As we discussed at length, the crisis in Syria is a complex one. Cooperation between our two countries has the potential to save hundreds of thousands of lives. I also made clear that the United States will not allow Iran to benefit from our successful campaign against ISIS. We have just about eradicated ISIS in the area.We also agreed that representatives from our national security councils will meet to follow up on all of the issues we addressed today and to continue the progress we have started right here in Helsinki.Today’s meeting is only the beginning of a longer process. But we have taken the first steps toward a brighter future and one with a strong dialogue and a lot of thought. Our expectations are grounded in realism but our hopes are grounded in America’s desire for friendship, cooperation, and peace. And I think I can speak on behalf of Russia when I say that also.
Interestingly, Russophobes who hated the Trump-Putin summit also tend to oppose fighting Islamic terrorism, or even calling it "Islamic terrorism."
Among them are Trump critics like former CIA Director John Brennan, reportedly a convert to Islam when he served in Saudi Arabia, as well as a declared supporter of Communist Presidential candidate Gus Hall in 1976.
People like Brennan, or Hillary or Obama, tend also to oppose President Trump's travel ban, "extreme vetting," or efforts to add the Muslim Brotherhood to the list of terrorist organizations.
Likewise, they expressed little public objection to the foreign connections Huma Abedin, whose parents were active in the Muslim Brotherhood, and had alleged links to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, serving as a top aide to Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, nor to the Clinton Foundations ties to repressive Islamist regimes. Nor did they object when the so-called "Arab Spring" installed Islamist governments in the Middle East.
They take advantage of lingering resentments among Republicans who are still anti-Russian because Russia was once Communist. When these Republicans see Putin, they see him a Communist commissar, a former KGB officer, a "thug." When they see Russia, they see it as if it were still the Soviet Union--even though Russia voluntarily withdrew from its former Soviet satellites, allowed some of them to join the EU, and dissolved the USSR.
On the other side, leftist Democrats have lingering resentments that Russia rejected Communism. They are as strongly hostile to Putin as Stalin was anti-Trotsky. When they look at Putin, they see a turncoat KGB agent who sold out to capitalism, suppresses LGBT causes on behalf of Russian Orthodoxy, and who encourages the very Russian nationalism that the USSR suppressed with its "Friendship of Peoples" doctrine (Soviet multiculturalism), therefore another kind of "thug" (like Cuba calls its refugees from Communism "gusanos"--worms).
Compounding the problem has been the taboo on public discussion of Islamist terrorism in both Europe and the United States (there is no such taboo in Russia). Since discussion of the actual enemy has been repressed, it is my belief that anti-Russian sentiments have actually been symptoms of psychological displacement--unable to criticize the actual enemies of the United States, the public has been licensed to oppose imaginary enemies, such as Russia, "Global Climate Change," Israeli treatment of Palestinians, and "White Privilege."
Yet good relations with Russia could change the dynamic of international relations in our favor, given the manifest failures of America's pro-Islamist foreign policy. With Russia as a full and equal partner in American foreign policy, the West could make short work of Islamic terror. Russia has a proven track record of success, little discussed in the USA--in Chechnya, of all places, where Putin ground Islamists to dust on the orders of Boris Yeltsin. The same sort of Russian tactics are working in Syria...just as they worked against Hitler during World War II.
It is clear from the failure of American policies since 9/11 that only an alliance with Russia can defeat Islamic terrorism.
Helsinki presents America with that opportunity—an opportunity which supporters of Islamic Terror are apparently desperate to torpedo by any means necessary. For almost two decades the United States has struggled and failed to respond to 9/11 while simultaneously fighting Russia in Ukraine and Syria. All President Trump is doing is prioritizing the struggle against Islamic Terrorism as the most important fight of our times. It is common sense, which is why Putin and Trump can agree to work together.
They take advantage of lingering resentments among Republicans who are still anti-Russian because Russia was once Communist. When these Republicans see Putin, they see him a Communist commissar, a former KGB officer, a "thug." When they see Russia, they see it as if it were still the Soviet Union--even though Russia voluntarily withdrew from its former Soviet satellites, allowed some of them to join the EU, and dissolved the USSR.
On the other side, leftist Democrats have lingering resentments that Russia rejected Communism. They are as strongly hostile to Putin as Stalin was anti-Trotsky. When they look at Putin, they see a turncoat KGB agent who sold out to capitalism, suppresses LGBT causes on behalf of Russian Orthodoxy, and who encourages the very Russian nationalism that the USSR suppressed with its "Friendship of Peoples" doctrine (Soviet multiculturalism), therefore another kind of "thug" (like Cuba calls its refugees from Communism "gusanos"--worms).
Compounding the problem has been the taboo on public discussion of Islamist terrorism in both Europe and the United States (there is no such taboo in Russia). Since discussion of the actual enemy has been repressed, it is my belief that anti-Russian sentiments have actually been symptoms of psychological displacement--unable to criticize the actual enemies of the United States, the public has been licensed to oppose imaginary enemies, such as Russia, "Global Climate Change," Israeli treatment of Palestinians, and "White Privilege."
Yet good relations with Russia could change the dynamic of international relations in our favor, given the manifest failures of America's pro-Islamist foreign policy. With Russia as a full and equal partner in American foreign policy, the West could make short work of Islamic terror. Russia has a proven track record of success, little discussed in the USA--in Chechnya, of all places, where Putin ground Islamists to dust on the orders of Boris Yeltsin. The same sort of Russian tactics are working in Syria...just as they worked against Hitler during World War II.
It is clear from the failure of American policies since 9/11 that only an alliance with Russia can defeat Islamic terrorism.
Helsinki presents America with that opportunity—an opportunity which supporters of Islamic Terror are apparently desperate to torpedo by any means necessary. For almost two decades the United States has struggled and failed to respond to 9/11 while simultaneously fighting Russia in Ukraine and Syria. All President Trump is doing is prioritizing the struggle against Islamic Terrorism as the most important fight of our times. It is common sense, which is why Putin and Trump can agree to work together.
They realize that past policies have failed, and want to try something new that might work—given the record of Russian-American cooperation in the past, which includes Nunn-Lugar de-nuclearization, joint space missions, the peaceful transition of the USSR from Communism, and victory over the Nazis during World War II.
If one looks clearly at what is happening in Great Britain or the European Union today, the lesson is clear:
If one looks clearly at what is happening in Great Britain or the European Union today, the lesson is clear:
We must accept Russia as an ally in the struggle against Islamic terrorism, or surrender to an Islamic Caliphate.
Tuesday, July 03, 2018
FIDEL CASTRO & THE LITTLE RED HEN: "Acts of Repudiation" in Cuba and the USA
by Agustin Blazquez
with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton |
The parallels are uncanny – and unnerving. A mob descending on the home of a classical guitarist in Castro’s Cuba – his only crime: wanting to leave the country – and the in-your-face harassment of Trump officials today.
“This street belongs to Fidel!” A short preview of the documentary Act of Repudiation depicts a horde of people in communist Cuba attacking the home of the guitarist, his wife, and three young daughters over 11 days.
And thus we see that the current wave of vitriolic demonstrations of intolerance in the U.S. today is an old tool of Marxist philosophy used by all left-wing regimes in history.
In Castro's Cuba, the tool was used so frequently it had a name: “Act of Repudiation”.
Decades of Marxist philosophy served up by academia, media, and Hollywood have set the stage for the spectacles we are witnessing in the U.S. today: the public harassments Congresswoman Maxine Waters is demanding.
Acts of Repudiation are a communist/fascist technique used by the former Soviet Union, its satellites, and Hitler's National Socialist Nazi Party, as well as the Ku Klux Klan. The Acts are designed to intimidate, terrorize, neutralize, and silence anyone who stands in the way.
For those who still have not connected the dots due to so much misinformation and propaganda from the mainstream media, I want to clarify: Marxism is the root of Communism, the Nazi National Socialist Party classified as Fascist, Socialism, collectivism and today’s “progressivism”.
All of these ‘ism’s’ are variants of left-wing Marxist philosophy.
The last one – progressivism - is just a ruse using a benign sounding word to deliver uninformed people to the same thing, a totalitarian society, the ultimate objective of all flavors of left-wing political theory.
This spread of Marxism in the U.S. has distorted "liberalism" into the antithesis of liberty, and diverted the Democrat Party into foreign left-wing ideology which is the opposite of America’s classical liberal founding and the U.S. Constitution.
For decades now, many Democrat members of Congress are members of the Democratic Socialists of America or other proto-communist groups. They are part of the international communist network. Communist Russia has been interfering in U.S. affairs for decades through the Communist Party USA.
Although well aware, the rest of the members of the Democrat and the Republican Parties are complicit in their silence as is the mainstream media and even supposedly critical pundits.
But the Democrat Party has descended so far to the left and has become so intolerant, fanatic and prone to violence that for quite a number of years I have been calling them “Demonrats.” They are no longer an American party and they obviously don't protect and defend the security of the citizens.
The control of our academic world by Marxist professors is invalid in a democratic republic! They are reprogramming new generations of Americans. The end result is a new generation so uninformed that they have no idea where Socialism will lead.
All Marxist derivatives lead directly to an all-powerful government where a ruling elite and bureaucracy dictate all aspects of our private and public lives. Their goal is global government with a mighty ruling elite at the top and the workers at the bottom.
The corrupt and deceptive mainstream U.S. media--with some exceptions--participate in the "resistance” and complicate matters by facilitating hate and glorifying Acts of Repudiations in public and private places.
What that despicable Congresswoman Maxine Waters espouses--‘confront, harass, create a crowd, and push back’--is nothing clever, new, or original. It is a tired, old, Marxist technique trotted out whenever logic fails and hysterical emotion is substituted for reason. [Editor’s Note: Maxine Waters has long supported communist causes and has numerous ties to communist and socialist groups.]
If the same intolerant, hysterical, and violent atmosphere continues in the U.S. today, we are all in for a rude awakening. America as we have known it will be no more.
Down with the worms! Kill the kulaks! Sieg heil!
“This street belongs to Fidel!” A short preview of the documentary Act of Repudiation depicts a horde of people in communist Cuba attacking the home of the guitarist, his wife, and three young daughters over 11 days.
And thus we see that the current wave of vitriolic demonstrations of intolerance in the U.S. today is an old tool of Marxist philosophy used by all left-wing regimes in history.
In Castro's Cuba, the tool was used so frequently it had a name: “Act of Repudiation”.
Decades of Marxist philosophy served up by academia, media, and Hollywood have set the stage for the spectacles we are witnessing in the U.S. today: the public harassments Congresswoman Maxine Waters is demanding.
Acts of Repudiation are a communist/fascist technique used by the former Soviet Union, its satellites, and Hitler's National Socialist Nazi Party, as well as the Ku Klux Klan. The Acts are designed to intimidate, terrorize, neutralize, and silence anyone who stands in the way.
For those who still have not connected the dots due to so much misinformation and propaganda from the mainstream media, I want to clarify: Marxism is the root of Communism, the Nazi National Socialist Party classified as Fascist, Socialism, collectivism and today’s “progressivism”.
All of these ‘ism’s’ are variants of left-wing Marxist philosophy.
The last one – progressivism - is just a ruse using a benign sounding word to deliver uninformed people to the same thing, a totalitarian society, the ultimate objective of all flavors of left-wing political theory.
This spread of Marxism in the U.S. has distorted "liberalism" into the antithesis of liberty, and diverted the Democrat Party into foreign left-wing ideology which is the opposite of America’s classical liberal founding and the U.S. Constitution.
For decades now, many Democrat members of Congress are members of the Democratic Socialists of America or other proto-communist groups. They are part of the international communist network. Communist Russia has been interfering in U.S. affairs for decades through the Communist Party USA.
Although well aware, the rest of the members of the Democrat and the Republican Parties are complicit in their silence as is the mainstream media and even supposedly critical pundits.
But the Democrat Party has descended so far to the left and has become so intolerant, fanatic and prone to violence that for quite a number of years I have been calling them “Demonrats.” They are no longer an American party and they obviously don't protect and defend the security of the citizens.
The control of our academic world by Marxist professors is invalid in a democratic republic! They are reprogramming new generations of Americans. The end result is a new generation so uninformed that they have no idea where Socialism will lead.
All Marxist derivatives lead directly to an all-powerful government where a ruling elite and bureaucracy dictate all aspects of our private and public lives. Their goal is global government with a mighty ruling elite at the top and the workers at the bottom.
The corrupt and deceptive mainstream U.S. media--with some exceptions--participate in the "resistance” and complicate matters by facilitating hate and glorifying Acts of Repudiations in public and private places.
What that despicable Congresswoman Maxine Waters espouses--‘confront, harass, create a crowd, and push back’--is nothing clever, new, or original. It is a tired, old, Marxist technique trotted out whenever logic fails and hysterical emotion is substituted for reason. [Editor’s Note: Maxine Waters has long supported communist causes and has numerous ties to communist and socialist groups.]
If the same intolerant, hysterical, and violent atmosphere continues in the U.S. today, we are all in for a rude awakening. America as we have known it will be no more.
Down with the worms! Kill the kulaks! Sieg heil!
© 2018 ABIP by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton, reprinted by permission of the author.
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