Thursday, September 08, 2005

Great Job, Brownie?

Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the link to this Florida Sun-Sentinel editoral pointing out that they called for Brown's firing a year ago, due to his incompetence!
But nothing can restore FEMA's full functionality so long as the agency's incompetent director, Michael Brown, remains at the helm. Brown, a patronage appointee with no previous disaster management experience, embarrassed himself last year with his attempts to justify FEMA's waste of more than $31 million in hurricane relief given to areas not affected by a hurricane. After a South Florida Sun-Sentinel investigation exposed the waste, the newspaper called for Brown to be fired. It now repeats that call.
This year Brown embarrassed the whole country. Three days after Katrina struck, he admitted to being surprised to learn that thousands of people were suffering without food or water in New Orleans' convention center. This from the man who was supposed to be in charge of federal relief efforts.
Brown is in over his head. If FEMA is ever to become effective again, his dismissal must be the first step.

I'm sure the Democrats are looking into FEMAs business dealings with former FEMA head and Bush crony Joe Allbaugh, as well as any contracts with Dick Cheney's Halliburton or Kellogg, Brown & Root.

If they find anything, they can impeach Cheney first, then go after Bush. So maybe the Republicans might want to act so they can pick Bush's replacement, instead of the Democrats. Also, if I were the Democrats, I'd hold off any Supreme Court confirmations for a long time...