Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Tariq Ali and Daniel Pipes on the Iraq Handover

From Australian broadcasting's Lateline . Some highlights:

Tariq Ali: In any of these countries, if democracy comes, and I think people in the Arab world want democracy, you could have governments hostile to US interests in the region...

Daniel Pipes: Yes, it does worry me and the democratic paradox is something I'm very well aware of and my answer to it is don't go immediately to full-scale elections. We saw that in Algeria in 1982. Snap elections after decades of authoritarian rule and the Islamics were on their way to rule...

Tariq Ali: I don't believe there has been a transfer of sovereignty. It's an illusion. That's what you want to us to believe, but no one in Iraq is going to believe it - that a former CIA agent has been appointed prime minister of Iraq and we're all meant to sit back and applaud.

It's just a joke and certainly most Iraqis won't believe it, which is why the resistance will continue and NATO training Iraqi soldiers is fine, but what if the soldiers desert and join the resistance which has been happening and which could happen tomorrow...