Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Barbarians Inside the Gates

Pages from Leonardo Da Vinci's "Codex Leicester"
Yesterday, by accident of chance or fate, I found myself seated next to a lawyer for The Hammer Museum on a transcontinental flight from LAX to Reagan National Airport in Washington, DC. 
As a chatty person, I thought an attempt at conversation might pass the time, so discovering my seat mate was in the museum business, I shared some pet obsessions about over-restoration, forgery, looting, de-accessioning, and the sacrifice of great art for contemporary garbage by museums such as the now-suicided Corcoran Gallery of Art.
As The Hammer Museum is operated by UCLA, and I had an MFA from UCLA, and was still involved in the arts, I looked forward to an interesting discussion with an art world insider that could perhaps shed some light on what was going on. I shared my admiration for the Getty Museum and Crystal Bridges in Arkansas, and the fact that I'd published a novel about the art world, Alice Goldfarb Marquis' murder mystery set at the Museum of Modern Art, Brushstroke!
But more I talked, the quieter my seat mate got, until she said that she had work to do, put on her headset, and never spoke again for the duration of the flight.
I thought the reaction a bit strange. Someone I know said I was probably just an annoying gabby seat mate, the person didn't want to talk, and not to read anything into the reaction.
But something about her silence set me to thinking, and so I looked up The Hammer Museum on Wikipedia, once I got home.
What I discovered didn't exactly shock me, but it explained the silent treatment. The attorney apparently represented an institution which was doing the kind of stuff that I had been complaining about.

Most interestingly, The Hammer Museum had auctioned off Leonardo Da Vinci's Codex Leicester in 1994 for some 30 million dollars--although it had been Armand Hammer's favorite item (he renamed it the "Codex Hammer") and among the most valuable and important works in the collection.

Bill Gates bought the Codex and used it for a Microsoft screensaver, among other things. It still tours around different museums today, drawing crowds

Who better represents the greatness of Western Civ than a universal genius like Da Vinci? 

Curiously, that same year UCLA entered into a 99-year agreement to manage The Hammer Museum. 

I wondered, why would any educational or cultural institutions want to get rid of a material relic of the greatest genius in history, especially when it could inspire students, faculty and members of the public--and symbolize a connection between arts and sciences that might inspire future generations?

Money could certainly be a reason, but then a thought occurred...

Leonardo Da Vinci was obviously a Dead White Man. Could another reason have been "Social Justice?" 

After all, universities in recent years have seemed obsessed with denigrating genius, part of a continuing assault on Western Civilization

So, I took a look at The Hammer Museum website today, and found that while they seem to have not yet sold off their Rembrandts or Impressionists, they have indeed added quite a bit of ghastly contemporary art...and programs on "Social Justice."

The homepage even featured a special section (scroll down) decorated with an ugly picture:

Discussing Social Justice 
Public programs and exhibitions at the Hammer that have engaged art and ideas on issues of social justice.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Jiří Kolář's "Forms of Visual Poetry" Shows What's Past Is Prologue...


Contemplation of Jiří Kolář's original and compelling collages and poetry -- on display at the American University Museum at Katzen Arts Center in Washington, DC until March 17th -- captures the destructive impact of political commissars upon artistic expression under totalitarianism of many stripes.

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Monday, March 04, 2019

President Trump Comes Out Swinging for Free Speech at CPAC

President Trump took a strong public stand on behalf of free speech on campus in his March 2nd speech to the Conservative Political Action Coalition, making it an issue for the upcoming 2020 elections.

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Robert Knight's 10-Step Program for Evangelical Christians


Robert Knight's A NATION WORTH FIGHTING FOR: 10 STEPS TO RESTORE FREEDOM is a political manifesto calling upon Evangelical Christians to "go on offense against the darkness, not cower in our church buildings, hoping it will go away..."

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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Mike Cernovich's HOAXED: A Defense of Freedom of Speech

I admired Mike Cernovich for his stand for freedom of speech with Milo and Pam Geller at UC Berkeley in September 2017 (an event Ann Coulter declined to attend). He stood up for freedom of speech then, and he has stood up for freedom of speech once again in this film. HOAXED deserves to be seen by every American who cares about the First Amendment, without regard to political orientation.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Chairman Cole's Confession

ART FROM THE SWAMP: How Washington Bureaucrats Squander Millions on Awful Art (NY: Encounter Books, 2018)

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Thursday, February 07, 2019


President Trump's recent State of the Union address demonstrated his uncanny ability to conduct members of Congress like a well-tuned orchestra to deliver a message of unity and hope for the future, on behalf of his crusade for American civilization's motto: "E Pluribus Unum."

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Monday, February 04, 2019

Memo to the President: Take a “Listening Tour” of Federal Agencies

Following the end of the government shutdown, President Trump needs to take a "Listening Tour" of federal agencies to remind government employees he's in charge while giving them a chance to vent face-to-face. It would signal a change of tone in leadership, while disarming the "Resistance" and encouraging good government.

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Saturday, January 26, 2019

President Trump Knew When To Fold

Perhaps Kenny Rogers' 1978 song, "The Gambler" best explains why President Trump ended the Government Shutdown yesterday. He folded because he saw didn't have the cards in his hand to win. He now needs to come up with an alternative to end the stalemate before the February 15th deadline.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Where Were the Police During Covington Catholic Confrontation?

The standoff seemed go on for at least 45 minutes, yet no officer appeared to "de-escalate" the conflict, as called for in police guidelines. No one interposed themselves between two hostile camps. No one asked anyone to "move along" or "break it up." Instead, police permitted a tense confrontation between crowds which could have led to a bloody brawl, or worse.

Friday, January 18, 2019

A Bipartisan Commission Could End Government Shutdown Now

Washington attorney Joseph I. Goldstein suggests President Trump and Congress establish a bipartisan commission to oversee Border Wall construction, to end the Government Shutdown now. This would allow appropriation of $5 billion dollars, as promised by President Trump in his 2016 campaign, while Congress could condition actual expenditures upon expert oversight, thus retaining authority, while permitting both sides to save face.

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Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Government Shutdown Isn't About A Wall

The current government shutdown isn't about construction of a wall along the US-Mexican border; rather it's a symbolic struggle over whether President Donald J. Trump is allowed to remain President. This is a fight President Trump can't afford to lose.

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Patreon's Purge "One of the Most Important Speech Wars of Our Time"

Like Ayatollah Khomeni's 1989 fatwa against "The Satanic Verses," Patreon's purge of "Sargon of Akkad" for "hate speech" marks a tipping point for freedom of speech on the internet, revealing the totalitarian objectives of the censors. Dissident YouTubers must be protected by President Trump, just as Margaret Thatcher protected Salman Rushdie.

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Sunday, January 06, 2019

Mary Poppins Returns!

After half a century, Mary Poppins returned to movie theaters this Christmas with something for everyone--older viewers who saw the original, younger viewers who met her for the first time, and middle-aged viewers who wanted to share their own childhood experience with a new generation.

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Friday, December 28, 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

President Trump's 2018 Highs and Lows

Washington consultant Joe Gelman believes appointing Justice Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court was President Trump's greatest success in 2018. "Failing to drain the Swamp" is his greatest failure, "because instead the Swamp is draining him."

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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Read Jane Jacobs' "Systems of Survival" to Understand Donald Trump


Jane Jacobs' 1992 "Systems of Survival: A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics" might explain Donald Trump's 2016 victory better than Steve Bannon's "Fourth Turning" or President Obama's "Arc of History."

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Bannon and Frum Debate Trump's American Populism--in Canada

Steve Bannon and David Frum's Munk Debate from November 2nd was one of the stranger television shows that I have seen. Contra Frum, Bannon argued President Trump is a transformative figure in "the Fourth Turning" of American history (The Revolution, Civil War and New Deal were the other three). So the Obama Administration's end represented the exhaustion of one cycle, the Trump Administration the beginning of another.

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Monday, December 10, 2018

The Unforgettable William Barr

Sometime in 1993, fate seated me next to former Attorney General William Barr on the Washington-NY shuttle. We spoke for about an hour about the recent tragic raid on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas which killed 76 people. He told me no one would have died if it had been properly handled. He knew because he supervised a similar raid at a prison in 1991--where everyone lived. I never forgot that conversation...

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Saturday, December 01, 2018

President George H. W. Bush (1924-2018): Outspoken Foe of Political Correctness

President George H.W. Bush is memorialized as an American war hero and symbol of civility. However, Americans need to remember that opposition to Political Correctness is equally his legacy, declared in a May 4, 1991 University of Michigan commencement address.

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