Monday, October 14, 2013

The DiploMad 2.0: Is it 1854, yet?

The DiploMad 2.0: Is it 1854, yet?:

The standard meme in a typical American history class or book, and in the media, holds that so-called third parties have no realistic prospect for success in the USA. The leadership of both major parties, naturally, agree with this interpretation and are eager to stifle any moves to create a party outside of the long established two party system--the Democratic party, by the way, has a legitimate claim to be the world's oldest political party. A quick glance through American political history would seem to support the conventional wisdom's argument against a "third" party. We have several examples typically served up to us as part of the cautionary tale.  One of the most famous efforts was Teddy Roosevelt's Progressive Party, aka Bull Moose Party, which he launched in 1912, after becoming upset with Republican President Taft's failure to pursue TR's "progressive" agenda. TR's party succeeded in knocking the Republicans out of the White House for one of the few times since 1861, and putting in place the calamitous Woodrow Wilson. While the Bull Moose Party crumbled away within a few years, many of its platform planks eventually became accepted, e.g., women's suffrage, eight hour day, a form of social security. Another notable "third" party effort came in 1948, with the States's Rights Democratic Party, better known as the "Dixiecrats." Headed by Senator Strom Thurmond, this party argued, inter alia, for the right of Southern states to maintain racial segregation. Former two-time FDR Vice President Henry Wallace's hard left, pro-USSR Progressive Party--another "third" party effort in that same election-- also syphoned off Democratic votes in some key constituencies. Between these two "third" parties eating away at Democratic votes, Truman almost lost the 1948 election to Dewey, but managed to eke out a win. Both of the 1948 "third" parties quickly disappeared. There are other examples, of course, such as George Wallace's American Independent Party, John Anderson's Independents, Patrick Buchanan Reform Party, H. Ross Perot's Independent Party which also failed to win the White House but, nevertheless, had considerable impact on their respective elections and on post-election political developments. There are, of course, other examples of "third" parties.

Oops! Missing, of course, from this history of "third" parties is none other than the Republican Party, itself. Without going into a detailed history, widely available (see for example, Eric Foner's, Free Soil Free Labor, Free Men), the Republican Party began in 1854 with a mix of anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats appalled by the perceived collusion of the Whigs and the Democrats in allowing slavery not only to remain but to expand westward. The Republicans ran their own candidate, explorer and war hero John Fremont in 1856. Although the campaign lost to Democrat Buchanan, it succeeded in destroying the ossified Whig party and lining up the Republicans for victory in 1860 with Lincoln. 

I am not saying--necessarily--that we are at the point of seeking the destruction of the GOP a la the Whigs. I think, however, that the GOP establishment needs reminding of their own party's origins. My gut feeling is that the Tea "Party" cum movement has been growing, despite the media's repeated announcement of its death and attempts to throw it in a grave. This movement still, as noted, is somewhat inchoate; that some might argue is a source of strength in that there is no single Tea leader who can be disgraced by the media, and, hence, bring down the movement. At various times the media seek to name a politician or another as leader of the Tea party, and go gunning for him or her. They fail to understand that unlike the Bull Moose, the Dixiecrat, or most other "third" parties, this is a movement driven not by a dominant personality but by everyday working and tax-paying Americans fed up with the state of the country and the quality of leadership and thought dominating our political discourse. I would like to see the Tea movement take over the GOP and turn it into a genuinely conservative alternative to the progressive Democratic party, rather than have to go through setting itself up as a "third" party. That option, nevertheless, should not be discarded all too quickly.  

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tuxedoed 1 Percenters Party at Kennedy Center During Washington Shutdown
We were there last night for opening of The Washington National Opera's La Forza del Destino (The Force of Destiny) -- more like "The Twerk of Destiny" in a Crunkfest-style production featuring strippers, pole-dancers and Pulp Fiction gangstas...Don't know what Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, sitting a few rows in front of us, thought of it, though in my youth it was the kind of show the National Organization for Women routinely protested as "degrading to women." But burlesque has somehow become politically correct, don't ask me why...Had to be, as one scene featured a waving red banner, and you don't need a Ph.D. in semiotics to tell you what way that wind was blowing...

In any case, back to the shutdown angle: Lots of swells ogling the strippers, squeezed in their tuxedos, all dressed up for the opening night reception...even saw super-lawyer Kenneth Feinberg in a tuxedo...a true convention of the 1 percent...subsidized
 by US Taxpayers locked out of the National Zoo, National Mall, and WWII Memorial.

Vets Liberate WWII Memorial...

Agustin Blazquez: How To Recognize A Dictator

Do you know how to recognize a dictator?
Dictators are extremely protective and secretive of their past and associations.  They are narcissists, they are deceptive, and they are pathological liars.  They blame others for their failures.
They promise change and a better future with greater benefits to the needy, thereby creating a dependent class.
At the same time, dictators create a ruling elite with salaries and privileges denied to the rest of the population—buying their unconditional loyalty while putting them under constant surveillance, because dictators cannot trust anyone.  They are unforgiving, vindictive and vengeful, punishing anyone who gets in their way.  No one is safe.
Dictators use character assassination, and when completely in control, with absolute power, they do not hesitate to repress and oppress, using imprisonment, “reeducation” and murder.  Their only moral code is self-aggrandizement.
Dictators change the education system into indoctrination machinery, in order to create obedient citizen-robots who adapt to live under a quasi-military discipline where they cannot complain and must accept all of the dictator’s demands: low salaries, meager diet, poor housing and deficient “free” health care.  The new dependent class is “trained” to support him—the provider.
A dictator thinks of his population as a tool to maximize his power.
Dictatorships can happen in any country in the world.  All it takes is someone for whom power is a narcotic to get a foothold in circumstances ripe for accepting a  new leader.  No country is immune.  People fall for dictators out of ignorance.
Not far from America’s shore is the island of Cuba.  In spite of many warnings from War World II European immigrants who used their experience to easily identify that the new ruler was taking his country in a far left direction, Cubans were convinced:  “It can’t happen here.”  But it did.
His name was Fidel Castro.  He promised changes, and he certainly delivered them.  He ruined that prosperous island which, in 1958, ranked 29 among world economies.  His regime has lasted for 54 years and counting.
 Agustin Blazquez has produced and directed 10 independent documentaries. The last one, titled CONNECTING THE DOTS (2012), is an expose of the Obama administration.  See preview at:  /  Available at:

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

The DiploMad 2.0: Progressivism, Chaos, Tyranny, and the Community O...

The DiploMad 2.0: Progressivism, Chaos, Tyranny, and the Community O...In sum, what do we see? We see the community organizer tactic of using lies, chaos, and the uncertainty that flows as tools of blackmail and extortion. The progressives have moved into almost every aspect of our lives, and when they encounter resistance to further encroachment, they threaten us by shutting down the other services on which they have made us dependent. It's blackmail, pure and simple. We have the extraordinary spectacle of an American President predicting economic disaster and warning Wall Street of tough times to come if he does not get his way. We have a President pushing the stock market to crash, and dissuading businesses from investing and creating jobs, all over a dispute about his seriously flawed health care policy. He, again, is the Chicago community organizer threatening the local landlord or McDonald's franchise with instability, violence, and disruption if he does not get what he wants. Imagine what he can do to you, if he controls your health care.

Chaos in the service of tyranny. The only way to defeat this is to stop the encroachment of government on our lives and begin a serious campaign of rollback.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Eliyho Matz: Sometimes a Knish is Just a Knish...



Knish Me, I’m Jewish!
                                             [As Taken From the Internet]

         The documentary, If Knishes Can Talk, by Heather Quinlan, has just débuted at various places around New York City, as well as around the country.  In her film, Quinlan wanders throughout New York City to explore the English accents and dialects of its residents, and through her exploration of the boroughs she finds a diversity that brings the audience to what Marshall McLuhan was saying all along, that “the medium is the message.”  And what exactly this message is I will try to explain.  In her documentary, Quinlan’s subjects, a variety of diverse and engaging New Yorkers, serve to represent the unique way in which the New York region speaks, talks, and expresses itself in New York English.  The documentary is funny and educational.  The filmmaker has done an interesting job filming and exploring New Yorkers in their use of a common lingo, English. 
         I personally like accents.  Anybody who speaks to me immediately recognizes that I am not from New York City.  I was born in Israel, near Tel Aviv, and American English is my third foreign language.  In the early morning I take a Gypsy taxi to the subway station.  The driver, Pedro, is from Argentina and speaks to me in a special dialect of English.  It is exciting to see how he manages, with his unique American English, to navigate the streets of metropolitan New York.  The person who sells me my NY Times every morning is from Pakistan.  He stands on the corner near the subway entrance, clad in Pakistani dress, and welcomes me every morning.  His English is completely incomprehensible to me, but he has been there for a number of years and manages to sell the New York newspapers to a variety of customers. 
         The subway conductor, who is from Guyana or India, makes announcements in “funny” English.  Thus the NY passengers look at each other wondering, trying to figure out what is he actually saying?  But it does not matter; the “E” train is already moving quickly to Manhattan.
         Upon arriving in Manhattan, my first stop is the neighborhood Puerto Rican restaurant, a long-time establishment, well kept, that offers authentic Puerto Rican food.  The workers fall into two groups: native Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans.  I have managed for years to have a wonderful breakfast there – how I order my breakfast I will explain later. 
         The superintendent of the building adjacent to our office, whom I have known for fourteen years, was born in Puerto Rico.  Now in his mid-sixties, he came to New York about 45 years ago, and he speaks a dialect of American English that after fourteen years of “conversations” with him I still cannot figure out what he says. 
         A homeless man whom I used to buy breakfast for once in awhile, who I think was a Jewish New Yorker, once, on a cold winter day, told me that his blood “does not ‘circumcise’ in his body.”
         Most New Yorkers speak with some sort of unique accent, and in contrast even “pure” born-and-bred Americans sound a bit out of place in the City.  It has always been my interest to try to explain the phenomenon of language.  I regularly ask people who enter our stationery store, “What is the value of knowing a foreign language?”  Most immediately answer: communication, exploring cultures, help in traveling, etc.  I prefer my own interpretation, and I most often explain with the story I once read that originated in England, and goes as follows:
A mouse observes a slice of cheese in the corner and wants to grab
it, but it hears “meow” and says to himself, “It’s too dangerous, I’ll wait.”  On the second day he observes a large chunk of cheese.  Again he wants to grab it, but once more he hears “meow” and says to himself, “I’ll wait.”  On the third day he observes a very large chunk of cheese, but this time he hears the sound of a barking dog.  It is well known that cats and dogs do not get along, so he reasons that it safe for him to go and grab the cheese.  But as soon as he gets close to the cheese, the cat pounces on him and eats him up.
         When the cat finishes eating the mouse, she turns to her little kittens
         and says, “See, it’s good to know a second language!”

Most people laugh when they hear the punch line.  Then I ask people what did the cat do?  Most are confused, and then I explain that the cat was using language as a trick.  For, as philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein explained many years ago, in reality, not well known to most people, is the fact that language is “a game of words.”  Of course, scientists up to now have not figured out how our brain processes thoughts and how thoughts are related to speech or writing.  This fact notwithstanding, language can be understood as some sort of a trick that we use to explain, speak, explore, make love, make war, etc. 
         I used the cat and the mouse story at the Puerto Rican restaurant many years ago, but the workers failed to understand it at first.  It was only after I had the story translated into Spanish that they caught on, and they all laughed!  Consequently, every morning when I arrive at the restaurant, I open up the door and say, “Meow;” my breakfast is then prepared, amidst the “meows” of the workers who call me el gato
It is well known to most anthropologists that human evolution is a complex subject to tackle.  We definitely have developed: we speak, write, walk, study -- and multiply, that is, we have sex.  How we have developed as humans is still a mystery.  How and why we speak, act and function is not clear.  It is by now general knowledge that we evolved as human beings, and like other species we have the urge to survive.  It is in our genes.  Women, who are half of the story of human evolution, have developed their own survival technique: approximately every thirty days they menstruate.  The period, which is unique in human evolution, means that the woman loses protein and iron in large quantities.  The iron and protein must be replaced, thus leading to the “Hunter-Gatherer” theory.  The man uses a bow and arrow to hunt, brings the meat, and as a result of his action he receives sex, or love, or both.  The invention and use of language are still a mystery.  Is it possible to think or calculate that the rise of language correlated in one way or another with the basic needs of women during their period?  Let’s say that the woman instructs Schmuel the hunter in a low-pitch voice: Schmuel, go hunting and get me some meat, otherwise I am starving and dying.  The human relationship between woman and man has a long history of deep misunderstanding, in which language plays a large part.  What is the modern hunter-gatherer symbol today?  It is Cupid with a bow and arrow on St. Valentine’s Day, a symbol that we all cherish – a new version of an old story.  And then we arrive at romance stories, but we will start with a New York story.
         New York Jews became prominent in the City only in the last 100 years, between 1900 and 2000.  One of their foremost writers, Henry Roth, in his renowned book Call It Sleep, explores the Jewish life of the immigrants.  Roth’s work is probably one of the most explicitly portrayed American Jewish novels to bring us a clear depiction of one’s transition from an immigrant Jew to a citizen Jew, and the growing up of an American Jewish child in New York City.  Furthermore, Roth brings us this fantastic dialogue that deals with “knishes” and is written in the New York English/Yiddish vernacular:
-- Knish?
   “Between de legs.  Who puts id in is de poppa.  De poppa’s god de
petzel.  Yaw de poppa.”  She giggled stealthily and took his hand. 
He could feel her guiding it under her dress, then through a pocket-
like flap.  Her skin under his palm.  Revolted, he drew back.
   “Yuh must! She insisted, tugging his hand.  “Yuh ast me!”
   “Put yuh han’ in my knish,” she coaxed.  “Jus’ once.”
   “I’ll hol’ yuh petzel.”  She reached down.

Roth’s novel itself is saturated with a Yiddish-English mix.  In any case, as is clearly stated here, the word knish is Jewish-Yiddish slang for the word vagina.  I’m not sure that the maker of the documentary knew this fact, and it is ironical that she based her title on this word without understanding its deeper implication. 
If we believe that there is, or perhaps must be, some sort of relationship between language and the female vagina, then it would be instructive to explore some other literary sources.  For example, James Joyce, in his famous book Ulysses, presents his character Molly Bloom with a monologue that explores the vagina.  In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ Love in the Time of Cholera, the author explores the narrative of the protagonist and his love of a certain woman that stretched almost seventy years until he finally touches her vagina.  In Miriam at Thirty-four, Alan Lelchuk explores the sex life of his Jewish American heroine, about whom the late professor Gershon Shaked (my Israeli Literature professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem) commented that her ultimate sexual goal was a better orgasm.  Further exploration in American Jewish writing is the famous book, played out on stage, The Vagina Dialogues by Eve Ensler.  Tennessee Williams, in A Streetcar Named Desire, the play in which Marlon Brando became famous for his role as the character Stanley Kowalsky, mentions that “Stanley carries his bowling jacket and a red-stained package from a butcher’s” for Stella, thus the ensuing dialogue:
         STANLEY:  Catch!
         STELLA:     What?
         STANLEY:  Meat!

Thus is suggested the evolving relationship between the hunter and the receiver via the language of the kill.  Is it possible that Quinlan’s film can change its name to If Bagels Can Talk, or If Blintzes Can Talk, or If Matza Balls Can Talk, thus avoiding the use of the word knish -- unless the author is definitely sure that there must be some connection between the knish and language.
         It is sort of strangely illuminating that a Talmudic rabbi is quoted in the Talmud as saying: Kol b’isha erva.  This ruling basically meant that Jewish men should avoid listening to the voice, sound, or speech of a woman, for, to translate, this Talmudic ruling says “the voice of a woman is in the vagina,” a warning meaning that it might lead to sex.  It is sad that this ancient Talmudic ruling is creating confusion in the Israeli military even today, as well as in the general society.  For when a female singer appears before a military audience, religious soldiers leave the room.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Francisco Gil White's Video on the PLO's Nazi Past...

The DiploMad 2.0: A Few Friday Thoughts

The DiploMad 2.0: A Few Friday Thoughts: It's been an eventful week for the media: A government shutdown; a glitch-infested roll out of the disastrous Obamacare; and, of course,...

Execution on DC Streets by Peter Van Buren

We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People by Peter Van Buren
Outside America’s non-working Capitol Building yesterday, cops killed an unarmed woman with a baby in her car after the car had crashed and was stationery. When the cops had her stopped the first time, she did not fire any shots or give any indication she had a weapon.

Not that anyone noticed, but cops in the DC area killed another unarmed citizen on Tuesday.

Typical rules of engagement for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan require someone to brandish a weapon before he can be blasted away. Not always followed, but cops in America do not even have the paper restriction. I’ve written elsewhere about making life-and-death decisions in ambiguous wartime situations.

We all know that cops have a dangerous job; they know that too. I know they are scared, dealing with unclear, threatening situations.

But none of that grants them the right to conduct executions on our streets.
- See more at:

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Wisconsin TA Rejects Diversity Training Requirement

"I regret that this leaves us in an awkward situation. After having been accused of virulent racism and, now, assured that I will next learn how to parse the taxonomy of “Genderqueers”, I am afraid that I will disappoint those who expect me to attend any further diversity sessions. When a Virginia-based research firm came to campus a couple of years ago to present findings from their study of campus diversity, then-Diversity Officer Damon Williams sent a gaggle of shouting, sign-waving undergraduates to the meeting, disrupting the proceedings so badly that the meeting was cancelled. In a final break with such so-called “diversity”, I will not be storming your office or shouting into a megaphone outside your window. Instead, I respectfully inform you hereby that I am disinclined to join in any more mandatory radicalism. I have, thank God, many more important things to do. I also request that diversity training be made optional for all TAs, effective immediately. In my humble opinion, neither the Department nor the university has any right to subject anyone to such intellectual tyranny."

(ht Althouse)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

The DiploMad 2.0: The "Collapse" of Obamacare? Don't Bet On It

The DiploMad 2.0: The "Collapse" of Obamacare? Don't Bet On It: I was reading "Legal Insurrection " (best blog around) and saw this interesting piece  which referenced an also interesting piece...

Friday, September 27, 2013

Al Gore's Brookings Hate Speech Made Me Quit Email List

Dear Brookings Communication Department:

Shame on Brookings for passing on Al Gore's uncivil remarks, without condemnation.

Does Brookings want to arrest "political terrorists" now? Call in drone strikes? This rhetoric is simply beyond the pale of civilized discourse, a slippery slope of political dehumanization of the opposition. 

As you know, Vice President Al Gore and the Republic survived a shutdown in the Clinton administration very nicely. There were shutdowns in the Carter administration, as well.  It is called the congressional power of the purse.

After reading this email, I no longer have confidence in Brookings' rationality, nor its commitment to civil political discourse.

Therefore, I do not wish to receive any further materials by email from Brookings.

So, please remove me from all your email distribution lists, asap. 

And please do tell Al Gore he's tarnished your reputation with at least one recipient.

If you ever condemn him, I'll subscribe again.

Laurence A. Jarvik, Ph.D.

On Sep 27, 2013, at 3:51 PM, Brookings Center for Effective Public Management wrote:

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Good afternoon,

If you joined us online this morning for former Vice President Al Gore's address at the launch of the new Center for Effective Public Management, you were among the first to hear his remarks about the potential U.S. government shutdown.

"Political Terrorism" was the term Gore used to refer to threats to shut down the government and default on the U.S. debt in his keynote address at this morning's event.

John Hudak highlighted Gore's words on the Center's new blog, FixGov, writing that they emphasized the importance of the Center's work to understand political dysfunction and create real reform.

You can watch video of Gore's remarks and read John's blog post on FixGov:
Al Gore Calls Government Shutdown Threats Political Terrorism
"Why does partisanship have anything to do with such a despicable and dishonorable threat to the integrity of the United States of America?" Gore asked these questions and more, which are fully outlined in a summary of the event's major moments:

Forthcoming research from the new Center will address these vital issues as it works to identify and solve political and governance challenges in 21st century America. As Gore remarked, the Center's work will be at "the heart of what we need to do to make the United States of America what our Founders intended and what our people deserve."

Tell NY City Council to Save New York Public Library!

Dear Library Supporter,


On Monday, Sept 30, 2013, at 1:00 p.m. at 250 Broadway, 16th Floor Committee Room, a very important Public Hearing about Capital Construction Needs and Potential Disposal of Libraries in NYC will take place. The Agenda can be found online here:

The City Council’s Committee on Cultural Affairs, Libraries, and International Intergroup Relations is holding the hearing.

It’s very important that as many people testify as possible against the Central Library Plan and the sale of public libraries, and on behalf of the needs of library users all over the city. We need to take advantage of this unique opportunity to testify. If you don’t want to testify you can still show your support just by being there. There is strength in numbers!

Please arrive a half hour early (12:30 pm) to go through security, and bring valid photo ID with you.

For more information, see "The Truth About the Central Library Plan":

The Committee to Save the New York Public Library 
232 East 11th Street
New York, NY 10003 
facebook: Save NYPL 
on twitter @saveNYPL