Saturday, May 26, 2012

Watch Anthony Marx's Presentation on Future of NY Public Library

It's online at the NYPL website (ht Caleb Crain), IMHO, he's smug, condescending, and does not sound like a book lover,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Criminal Gives Deerfield Academy Commencement Address

So much for a criminal conviction--especially for DUI, a particular problem for youth--serving as a deterrent...New York Public Library boss Anthony Marx is scheduled to give the graduation address at Deerfield Academy, a posh boarding school (catering to the elite 1% and fraction thereof), according to this story in The Scroll:
Anthony Marx, president of the New York Public Library, former president of Amherst College, and father of Josh Marx ’12, will be speaking at Commencement this year.
No mention of Marx's drunk driving conviction in the school newspaper. Obviously, Deerfield journalists know how to suppress a story. So, where's Mothers Against Drunk Driving when you need them?

Hush Money Allegations Add to Criminal Anthony Marx's New York Public Library Scandal

From Robin Pogrebin's New York Times article Former Employees Feel Silenced on Library Project.
The library says nondisparagement clauses are standard in separation agreements and that it has used them for 18 years. Still, critics say that for an institution with a tradition of championing free speech — the library opposes book bans and has permitted visitors to watch pornography on its computer terminals — the clauses seem inconsistent. “It does raise the question, what are they afraid people are going to say?” said Joan E. Bertin, executive director of the National Coalition Against Censorship. “So what if former employees criticize them? They ought to be able to take the heat.”

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Criminal Anthony Marx Tells WABC TV News He Wants More People, Fewer Books in New York Public Library

Incredible public confession on NY TV news from convicted drunk driver pushing New York Public Library real estate vandalism scheme, watch here: More on this topicon Caleb Crain's blog, SteamThing.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Update on Protests Against Criminal Drunk Driver Anthony Marx's New York Public Library Vandalism

Hey Laurence, You have received the following message about "President Marx: Reconsider the $350 million plan to remake NYC's landmark central library" on ------------------------------------------- Update about 'President Marx: Reconsider the $350 million plan to remake NYC's landmark central library' Dear Colleagues, We are writing to those of you who signed the letter to Tony Marx, protesting the plans for the CLP at the New York Public Library. *First, we want to let you know that since the petition went online a few days ago, we've added more than 300 signatures, among them those of Tom Stoppard, Colm Toibin, Francine Prose, Donna Tartt, Darryl Pinckney, and Antonio Munoz Molin. Now we need your help circulating the petition on Facebook, Twitter, email or in person—whatever works for you. It is vital that we get as many signatures as possible. *Second, we want to invite you to join us at a public meeting about the Library's plans on Tuesday, May 22 at the Theresa Lang Community Center of the New School for Social Research, 55 W 13th St, 2nd floor, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. A panel consisting of preservation architect Mark Hewitt, historian David Nasaw, n+1 editor Charles Petersen, and historian Joan Scott, will be moderated by Eric Banks, president of the National Book Critics Circle. The NYPL has been invited to send a representative to join the panel discussion. Thus far they have declined. *Third, you may have received a letter yesterday from the library's president, Tony Marx, in which he mentions a piece in the New York Review of Books by Robert Darnton. Several of us have sent replies to Darnton's article to the NYRB. You can expect to hear more replies to Tony Marx's comments at the panel on Tuesday. *Fourth, there has been a good deal of coverage of the petition in the New York Times ( and the Wall Street Journal ( An investigative article and overview of the library's plans, with many new revelations, has also been published in n+1 magazine ( Even the American Conservative ( has picked up the cause. There are more articles in the works. Our letter seems to have opened a public discussion in exactly the way we hoped it would. We're extremely grateful to you for having help us do that. Please help us continue to do so by spreading word about this petition with whomever you can. Many thanks, Joan Scott (for the organizers of the protest campaign) ------------------------------------------- Click the link below to view the message and reply. To stop receiving update emails about this action, click the link below.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mark Alan Hewitt: The Man Who Could Save the New York Public Library

For more information, see Mark Alan Hewitt's Save the NYPL Stacks Website.

Save the New York Public Library!

This letter to the President of the New York Public Library, Anthony Marx, was written to express opposition to the plans (never fully publicly revealed or discussed) to drastically restructure the library's landmark main building at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. Journalists and bloggers had alerted us to the Central Library Plan (CLP): Scott Sherman wrote an excellent long-form article in The Nation; Caleb Crain wrote a series of important posts on his blog; and Charles Petersen wrote a two part investigative essay for n+1. As public awareness spread, architects joined the outcry. This letter seemed the best way to express our collective opposition. Initially, it was circulated by email. 750 signatures from librarians, scholars, artists, writers, students, and (as one person described herself) “ordinary users” arrived in record time, among them Nobelist Mario Vargas Llosa; Pulitzer Prize winners Frances FitzGerald, Margo Jefferson, David Levering-Lewis, Edmund Morris, Art Spiegelman, and Annalyn Swan; writers Salman Rushdie, Jonathan Lethem, Amitav Ghosh, and Luc Sante; Anne Waldman, Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets; John Palattella, literary editor of The Nation; historian Natalie Zemon Davis; Lorin Stein, editor of the Paris Review; Jackson Lears, editor of Raritan; and the editors of the journal n+1; Lawrence Weschler, head of the New York Institute for the Humanities; Srinivas Aravamudan, President of the Consortium of Humanities Councils and Institutes; and Jonathan Galassi, President of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. On May 9, 2012, the letter was sent to President Marx, as well as to every member of the library’s board of trustees, to Mayor Bloomberg and Speaker Quinn, and to Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The letter was also sent to local and national media, where the movement to stop the renovation has begun to receive wide coverage. Even Garrison Keillor has started cracking jokes about the library's plan to move a majority of its books to New Jersey. We thought it important to continue to express outrage about the plan and to demand a public discussion of it. That meant putting the letter on-line in this format. We hope you will sign and circulate it to others. The more names we collect, the better. The goal is to bring the CLP out into the open and to have a frank and critical discussion of what it will mean for the future of the NYPL, the People's Library. In an effort to open a public discussion of the library's plans, the organizers of this petition are holding a meeting on May 22 at the Theresa Lang Community Center of the New School for Social Research, 55 W 13th St, 2nd floor, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. A panel consisting of Mark Hewitt, David Nasaw, Charles Petersen, and Joan Scott, will be moderated by Eric Banks. The NYPL has been invited to send a representative to join the panel discussion. — Anthony W. Marx, President New York Public Library Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street New York, NY 10018 Dear Dr. Marx: We write as scholars, writers, researchers, and teachers who have long benefited from the services and collections available to us at the four research facilities of the New York Public Library. We are alarmed by the Central Library Plan, which seems to us to be a misplaced use of funds in a time of great scarcity. The budget cutbacks of the past five years have had disastrous effects for the NYPL’s research libraries, and especially 42nd Street: *the skilled staff vital to supporting our research activities—curators, archivists, bibliographers, and librarians—has been drastically reduced in number; *the Slavic & Baltic division and the Asian & Middle Eastern division have been entirely eliminated; and there is no full-time curator for the Slavic collection; *the Schomburg Library in Harlem—the place to do research on African-American history—has been allowed to deteriorate through the postponement both of capital improvements and of computer upgrading; and *the Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center is no longer a haven for scholars and critics. Many of the reference librarians who specialized in dance, music, recorded sound, and theater were eliminated, moved off the reference desks, or offered buyouts. Instead of addressing these issues, the CLP will spend over $300 million on a restructuring of the 42nd Street building which includes a huge expansion of public space, the removal of stacks (and the 3 million books in them), and the creation of a circulating library in the building. While we understand that it may be necessary to store some books in order to make room for others and that more computer access may be necessary for users of the library, the changes planned envision a much more radical transformation. NYPL will lose its standing as a premier research institution (second only to the Library of Congress in the United States)—a destination for international as well as American scholars—and become a busy social center where focused research is no longer the primary goal. Books will be harder to get when they’re needed either because of delays in locating them in the storage facility or because they have been checked out to borrowers. Those of us who also use university libraries know how frustrating it is to discover that the book we need immediately is checked out or lost. And we worry about the effects of removing the stacks that now support the glorious Rose Reading Room. More important, perhaps, is that the CLP seems to make no mention of restoring the staff positions that have been lost and that are critical for the functioning of a major research institution. One of the claims made about the CLP is that it will “democratize” the NYPL, but that seems to be a misunderstanding of what that word means. The NYPL is already among the most democratic institutions of its kind. Anyone can use it; no credentials are needed to gain entry. More space, more computers, a café, and a lending library will not improve an already democratic institution. In fact, the absence of expert staff will diminish the accessibility of the collections to those who aren’t already experienced researchers, narrowing the constituency who can profitably use the library. They will be able to borrow books, to be sure, but they won’t be inducted into the world of archives and collections if staff aren’t there to guide them. Also, in the age of the web, we need, more than ever, skilled, expert librarians who can assist us in navigating the new databases and the back alleys of cyberspace. We understand that it is often easier to raise money by attending to buildings (and naming them), but the real need at the NYPL is for the preservation of a great library and the support of its staff. We appreciate the fact that you have established a committee consisting of some critics of the CLP to advise you. We hope you will take a hard look at the plan you’ve been given and revise it so that the splendid culture of research embodied by the NYPL can be maintained. We think the money raised can be better used to preserve and extend what already exists at 42nd Street. Change is always necessary, but not of the kind envisioned by the CLP. Signed: Domenick Acocella, City College CUNY Jarrietta Adams, Center for Worker Education, CCNY Neil Agarwal, Graduate Center CUNY Jean-Christophe Agnew, Yale University Brinton Ahlin, New York University Ammiel Alcalay, CUNY Graduate Center Robert Alegre, University of New England Meena Alexander, Graduate Center CUNY Sarah Allan, Dartmouth College Esther Allen, Baruch College Harriet Alonso, CCNY Bruce J Altshuler, New York University Benjamin Anastas Bonnie Anderson, CUNY Graduate Center Anthony Anemone, The New School Gil Anidjar, Columbia University Emily Apter, New York University Bettina Aptheker, University of California, Santa Cruz Jonathan Arac, University of Pittsburgh Lorraine Aragon, University of North Carolina Srinivas Aravamudan, Duke University John Michael Archer, New York University Rae Armantrout, University of California, San Diego Abe Ascher, Graduate Center, CUNY Kiran Asher, Clark University Roark Atkinson, Ramapo College of New Jersey James Atlas, Atlas & Co. Jane Augustin Dolores Augustine, St. John's University Shira Backer, Bryn Mawr College John S. Baick, Western New England University Deirdre Bair, Independent Scholar/writer Deborah Baker, Brooklyn, NY Andrea Baldi, Rutgers University Ian Balfour, York University, Canada David Ball, Smith College Nicole Ball, Smith College Henryk Baran, SUNY Albany Tani Barlow, Rice University Eric Barry, Rutgers University Miriam M. Basilio, New York University Christopher Baswell, Columbia University & Barnard College Ian Baucom, Duke University Rosalyn Baxandall, SUNY Old Westbury Daphne Beal Adam H. Becker, New York University Seymour Becker, Rutgers University Gail Bederman, University of Notre Dame Stephen Behrendt, University of Nebraska Juliet Bellow, American University John Belton, Rutgers University Giovanna Benadusi, University of South Florida Thomas Bender, New York University Marion Berghahn, Berghahn Books Diana Berkowitz, Queensborough Community College Bill Berkson, San Francisco Art Institute Elizabeth Bernath, University of Toronto Susan Bernofsky, Queens College CUNY Alison Bernstein, Rutgers University Charles Bernstein, University of Pennsylvania Elizabeth Bernstein, Barnard College Laurie Bernstein, Rutgers University, Camden R. B. Bernstein, New York Law School Yuliya Bir, Cataloger, Harvard Law School Library Elizabeth Blackmar, Columbia University James J. A. Blair, Grad Center CUNY Ruth Bloch, University of California, Los Angeles Carol Bloom Carla Blumenkranz, n+1 journal Yve-Alain Bois, Institute for Advanced Study Felicia Bonaparte, City College of New York Eileen Boris, University of California, Santa Barbara Mauricio Borrero, St. John's University Margaret Bostwick, John Jay College/CUNY Paul A. Bove, University of Pittsburgh Alexis Boylan, University of Connecticut Susan Boynton, Columbia University Laura Bracken, Lewis-Clark State College Gloria Bragdon, Grad Center CUNY Kim Brandt, Columbia University Francesca Bregoli, Queens College CUNY Sarah Brett-Smith, Rutgers University Renate Bridenthal Darryl Brock, Berkeley, CA Stephen Eric Bronner, Rutgers University Ethel Brooks, University of the Arts London, UK Peter P. Brooks, Princeton University Virginia Brooks, Brooklyn College CUNY Elizabeth Brotherton, SUNY New Paltz Olga Broumas, Brandeis University Carolyn A. Brown, Rutgers University Elizabeth A. R. Brown, Brooklyn College/CUNY Jerome S Bruner, New York University Helena Buescu, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Phong Bui, Publisher, Brooklyn Rail Jane Burbank, New York University Kate Burlingham, California State University, Fullerton Kathryn Burns, University of North Carolina Judith Butler, Columbia University & University of California, Berkeley Caroline Walker Bynum, Institute for Advanced Study & Columbia University David Byrne Raul Alejandro Martinez Ca?on, New York University Anne Callahan, MIT Linda Camarasana, SUNY Old Westbury Ardis Cameron, University Southern Maine Marilyn Campbell, Rutgers University E484Press Isabel Sobral Campos, CUNY Anna Marie Cantwell, Rutgers University Jane Caplan, University of Oxford, UK Elisheva Carlebach, Columbia University Siobhan Carroll, University of Delaware Antonia Castaneda, St. Mary's University, TX Madeline H. Caviness, Tufts University Mary Ann Caws, Graduate Center CUNY Vanessa Ceia, New York University John W. Chambers, Rutgers University Michelle Chase, Bloomfield College Ranita Chatterjee, California State University, Northridge Tanya Chebotarev, Curator, Bakhmeteff Archive, Columbia University Catherine Ciepiela, Amherst College S. Hollis Clayson, Northwestern University Paul G. E. Clemens, Rutgers University Federica Kaufmann Clementi, University of South Carolina Cornelius Collins, Fordham University Kathleen Collins, Librarian, John Jay College/CUNY Maritza E. Colón, Columbia University Michele Cone, Author & independent scholar Brian Connolly, University of South Florida Joy Connolly, New York University Philip Connors Sandi Cooper, CUNY Ken Corbett, New York University Alfred Corn, Cambridge UK Francois Cornilliat, Rutgers University Catalina Arango Correa, New York University Paula Cossart, Université Lille CeRIES, France Debbie Cox, Curator Arabic Collections, The British Library, UK Caleb Crain, Brooklyn, NY Kate Crehan, College of Staten Island CUNY Thomas Crochunis, Shippensburg University Ashley Cross, Manhattan College Richard Crouter, Carleton College, Canada Margaret Cruz Emily Curtin, CUNY Graduate Center Suzanne G. Cusick, New York University Andrew Daily, University of Memphis Francesca Dal Lago, Collegè de France Jake Dalton, University of California Berkeley Nicholas Dames, Columbia University Daniel D'Arezzo, Argentina Emily Davidson, York College Belinda Davis, Rutgers University Lydia Davis, Bard College Natalie Zemon Davis, Princeton University & University of Toronto Ashley Dawson, Grad Center CUNY Marcia Decker, Librarian Ruth DeFord, Hunter College CUNY Carl N. Degler, Stanford University Marianne DeKoven, Rutgers University Brian Delay, University of California, Berkeley Alexandra deLuise, Queens College Art Center Dolores DeLuise William Deresiewicz, NYC Annalise Kinkel DeVries, Rutgers University Marta M Deyrup, Librarian & Professor, Seton Hall University Arcadio Diaz, Princeton University Stephanie Dickey, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada Jean Dickinson, Librarian, University of California, Berkeley Morris Dickstein, Graduate Center CUNY Mario DiGangi, CUNY Carolyn Dinshaw, New York University Arif Dirlik Golbert Doctorow, The Harriman Institute Lura Dolas, University of California Berkeley Andrew Scott Dolkart, Columbia University Ana Dopico, New York University Daniela Dover, New York University Doug Dowd, Cornell University Jim Downs, Connecticut College Grazyna Drabik, CCNY Mary L. Dudziak, University of Southern California School of Law Lawrence G. Duggan, University of Delaware Stephen Duncombe, New York University Marcela Echeverri, College Staten Island CUNY Andrew Edwards, Princeton University John Efron, University of California, Berkeley Andrea Rosso Efthymiou, Yeshiva University Ben Ehrenreich Susan Einbinder, Hebrew Union College, Ohio Uri Eisenzweig, Rutgers University Eric Eisner, George Mason University Madeleine Elfenbein, University of Chicago Tamer El-Leithy, New York University Yaakov Elman Mohamed Kamal Elshahed Laura Engelstein, Yale University Jonathan Epstein, John Jay College/CUNY Brad Evans, Rutgers University Stuart Ewen, Hunter College CUNY Judith Ezekial, Université de Toulouse le Mirail, France Crystal Feimster, Yale University Paula Feldman, University of South Carolina Margaret Ferguson, Librarian, University of California Davis Ada Ferrer, New York University Sibylle Fischer, New York University Leslie Fishbein, Rutgers University Sandy Fitterman-Lewis, Rutgers University Frances FitzGerald, The New Yorker Richard Fitzsimmons, Librarian, Pennsylvania State University Melissa Flashman, Trident Media Group James V. Fleming, Princeton University John V. Fleming, Princeton William Flesch, Brandeis University David Fogelsong, Rutgers University Darcie Fonatine, University of South Florida Meghan Forbes, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Joyce Foster, Williams College Frank.Warren, Queens College/CUNY Carmela Vircillo Franklin, Columbia University Deborah Franzblau, College of Staten Island CUNY Nancy Fraser, The New School Paul Freedman, Yale University Joanne Freeman, Yale University Amanda Frisken, SUNY at Old Westbury Larry Frohman, SUNY-Stony Brook Renaud Gagne, Cambridge UK Jonathan Galassi, Farrar, Straus and Giroux Books Rivka Galchen Ziva Galili, Rutgers University Sandra Gambetti, College of Staten Island CUNY Deborah Gardner, Hunter College Milton Gatch, Union Theological Seminary Haidy L Geismar, New York University Alix Genter, Rutgers University Laura George, Eastern Michigan University Sean Gerrity, Graduate Center CUNY Judith Gerson, Rutgers University Keith Gessen, n + 1 Journal Amitav Ghosh Molly Giblin, Rutgers University Michael Gitlin, Hunter College CUNY Jon Giullian, Slavlib subscriber Elizabeth Goetz, CUNY Kenneth Gold, College of Staten Island CUNY Chad Alan Goldberg, University of Wisconsin, Madison Janet Golden, Rutgers University Francine Goldenhar, New York University Rebecca Newberger Goldstein, Harvard University Linda Gordon, New York University Manu Goswami, New York University Anthony T. Grafton, Princeton University Shane Graham, Utah State University Greg Grandin, New York University Bruce Grant, New York University Jane Greenlaw, Retired NYPL Librarian Justina Gregory, Smith College Mark Greif, n+1 Journal Gerald N. Grob, Rutgers University Helen Gross Irena G. Gross, Princeton University Michael Gross Mimi Gross Atina Grossmann, New York University Cooper Union A. Tom Grunfeld, SUNY Empire State College Rochelle Gurstein Janet Gyatso, Harvard Divinity School Nathan Ha, University of California, Los Angeles Marilyn Hacker, CUNY Grad center Mark Von Hagen, Arizona State University Samira Haj, Graduate Center CUNY Lee Hall, Independent Scholar Murphy Halliburton, Queens College Susan Halstead, Curator Slavic Collection, British Library, UK Susan Reynolds Halstead, Curator Czech & Slovak, British Library, UK Jeffrey Hamburger, Harvard University A. S. Hamrah, n+1 journal Lila Marz Harper, Central Washington University William V. Harris, Columbia University David C. Hart, Cleveland Institute of Art Jonathan Hartmann, University of New Haven Karen Hartnick Molly Haskell, NYC Alan Hausman, Hunter College/CUNY Mary Hawkesworth, Rutgers University Jack Hawley, Barnard College John Stratton Hawley, Barnard College Anthony Heilbut Rachel Heiman, The New School Marjorie Heins, New York University Anissa Helie, John Jay College/CUNY David Henderson Ruth Henderson, Librarian, City College of New York Gail Hershatter, University of California, Santa Cruz Stephanie Hershinow, Johns Hopkins University Dagmar Herzog, Grad Center CUNY Susannah Heschel, Dartmouth College Walter Hess Susan Heuman Colin Higgins, Librarian, St. Catharine's College Cambridge UK Joe B. Hill David Hinton Nancy J. Hirschmann, University of Pennsylvania J Hoberman, Cooper Union Martha Hodes, New York University Roger D. Hodge Hilde Hoggenboom, Arizona State University Denis Hollier, New York University Beth Holman Brooke A. Holmes, Princeton University Oliver Hoover, Editor and Curator, American Numismatic Society Susan Schmidt Horning, St. John's University Florence Howe, NYC Susan Howe, SUNY Buffalo Martha Howell, Columbia University Andrew Hsiao, Verso Books Jane S. Hu, McGill University, Canada A. B. Huber, New York University Peter J. Hudson, Vanderbilt University Amy Hughes, Brooklyn College/CUNY Lynn Hunt, University of California, Los Angeles Stephanie Insley Marguerite Iskenderian, Music Cataloger, Brooklyn College Library Sarah Ruth Jacobs, Graduate Center CUNY Matthew Frye Jacobson, Yale University Karl Jacoby, Brown University Natalia Jagannathan Alice Jardine, Howard University Margo Jefferson Dianne Johnson-Feelings, University South Carolina Pierre Joris Ben Kafka, New York University Amy Kaplan, University of Pennsylvania Marion Kaplan, New York University Temma Kaplan, Rutgers University Priscilla Karant, New York University Rebecca Karl, New York University Pepe Karmel, New York University Barrie Karp Demetra Kasimis, Yale University Ben Katchor, The New School Marion H. Katz, New York University Stanley N. Katz, Princeton University Nadezhda Kavrus-Hoffmann, Independent Scholar Joel Kaye, Barnard College Donald R. Kelley, Rutgers University Elizabeth Kendall, Eugene Lang College Ellen Kennedy, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Political Science E. Tammy Kim, CUNY, Graduate Center Ann Kjellberg, Little Star Journal Stuart Klawans, Ruder Finn Communications Agency Stacy S. Klein, Rutgers University Terry Knickerbocker, New York University Jerome Kohn, Hannah Arendt Center, New School Anne Kornhauser, CCNY Adam Kosto, Columbia University Barbara Kowalzig, New York University Christopher Kramaric, Yale University Paul A. Kramer, Vanderbilt University Joseph Kramp, John Jay College/CUNY Rosalind Krauss, Columbia University Rachel Kravetz, Graduate Center CUNY Jeffrey Kroessler, Librarian, John Jay College/CUNY Victoria Kuhr Molly Laas, University of Wisconsin, Madison Kathleen Lamantia, Librarian, Stark County District Library, Canton OH Mark Lamster Yvette Florio Lane, Rutgers University Antonia Lant, New York University Danielle Lanzet, Chris Calhoun (Literary) Agency Robert Lapides, Manhattan College Renee Larrier, Rutgers University William Larsh, Librarian, Polish Studies, Yale University Charlotte Latham, Queens College CUNY Beth Lau, California State University, Long Beach Antonio Lauria, New York University Aldo Lauria-Santiago, Rutgers University John Lauritsen, Independent Scholar J. E. Law , Swansea University, UK John Law, Swansea University, UK Jackson Lears, Rutgers University Adrian LeBlanc Dorota M. Lech, Berlin, Germany Andrew H. Lee, Librarian, Bobst Library, New York University Jennifer B. Lee, Curator Performing Arts, Columbia University Library David Lelyveld, William Paterson University Jonathan Lethem, Pomona College David Levering-Lewis, New York University George Levine, Rutgers University Michael Levine, Rutgers University Rhoda Levine Marcus Levitt, University of Southern California Sharona Levy, Brooklyn College Hong Liang, Yale University Natasha Lightfoot, Columbia University Herbert Lindenberger, Stanford University Michael Lindgren Julie Q. Livingston, Rutgers University Zachary Lockman, New York University Laurence Lockridge, New York University Dee Longenbaugh, Sitka, Alaska John Loughery, NYC David Ludden, New York University Richard Lufrano, College of Staten Island CUNY Steven Lukes, New York University Victoria Lunzer, Librarian, University of Vienna, Austria Raechel Lutz, Rutgers University Christopher Lyon, The Monacelli Press Benjamin Lytal, Newberry Library, University of Chicago Ian MacDougall, Columbia University Law School Robert Machado Arien Mack, The New School Laurie Manchester, Arizona State University Elena Mancini Alan Mandell, SUNY Empire State College Velina Manolova, Graduate Center CUNY Jane Marcus, CUNY Vida Margaitis, Librarian, Harvard University Norman Markowitz, Rutgers University James H. Marrow, Princeton University Margaret Marsh, Rutgers University James Martin Lucia Martinez, University of Pennsylvania Cate Marvin, College Staten Island CUNY Carla Massey John S. Mayer, New York University John Maynard, New York University Elizabeth Mazzola, CUNY Maisie McAdoo Steven McGrail, Rutgers University Sarah Blake McHam, Rutgers University Michael McKeon, Rutgers University Lynn McLeod, Retired Librarian, Toronto, Canada Elizabeth Mcmahon, Librarian, NYPL Adam Mekler, Morgan State University Jordana Mendelson, New York University Ben Mercer, College of Staten Island CUNY Bill Merod, Soka University, CA Jim Merrod, Soka University, CA Ruth Milkman, Graduate Center CUNY David Miller Leslie Miller, The Grenfell Press Michele Mitchell, New York University Phillip Mitsis, New York University Rebecca Mlynarczyk, Graduate Center CUNY Seth Moglen, Lehigh University Molly Molloy, Librarian, Stanford University Ted Mooney Edmund Morris Jacob Morris Karl Morrison, Rutgers University Susan Brind Morrow Brian Morton, Sarah Lawrence College Alyssa Mt. Pleasant, Yale University Dorothea von Mucke, Columbia University John Mulryan, St. Bonaventure University David Munns, John Jay College CUNY Laure Murat, University of California, Los Angeles Timothy Murray, Cornell University Fred Myers, New York University Linda Neiberg, Graduate Center CUNY Judith Nemethy, New York University Catharine T. Nepomnyashchy, Barnard College William Van Nest, Sir Sandford Fleming College, Ontario, Canada Frederick Neuhouser, Barnard College Joshua Neustein Barbara Newman, Northwestern University Steven Newman, Temple University Mae Ngai, Columbia University Mary Nolan, New York University Betsey Norland Sydney Van Nort, Librarian, City College of New York Anne Norton, University of Pennsylvania Michael Nylan, University of California, Berkeley Kate Nearpass Ogden, Stockton College Laura O'Keefe, Librarian, NY Society Library Ferris Olin, Rutgers University Susan Oliver, University of Essex, UK Susan O'Malley, Graduate Center CUNY Thomas Ort, Queens College CUNY Michael J. Osborne, Librarian & bookseller Patrick O'Sullivan Miranda Outman-Kramer, Managing Editor, Signs Ron Padgett, Academy of American Poets John Palattella, The Nation Andrew Palmer Thalia Pandiri, Smith College Elizabeth C. Parker, Fordham University Harold Parker, University of Pennsylvania Duygu Parmaksizoglu, CUNY, Graduate Center Sneh Patel, New York University Silvana Patriarca, Fordham University SJ Pearce, New York University Marta Chavez Peixoto, New York University Martha Perlin Ross Perlin Nina Perlina, Indiana University Marjorie Perloff, Stanford University Charles A. Petersen, n + 1 Journal Anthony Petro, New York University Svanur Pétursson, Rutgers University Dia Philippides, Boston College Louis Phillips Pablo Piccato, Columbia University Krystyna Piorkowska, Muzeum Wojska Polskiego, Poland Gerald Pirog, Rutgers University Jeanine Plottel, Hunter College, CUNY Brenda Plummer, University of Wisconsin, Madison Adam Plunkett Leah Plunkett, Harvard Law School Jennifer Poggiali, Lehman College - CUNY Dana Polan, New York University Patricia Polansky, University of Hawaii Fanette Pollack Sarah Pollack, College of Staten Island CUNY Tanya Pollard, Brooklyn College/CUNY Katha Pollit, The Nation Michael Polson, Graduate Center CUNY Kenneth Pomeranz, University of California, Irvine Jacquelyn Pope Christopher Prendergast, Kings College, Cambridge UK Alexander Provan, Triple Canopy Sara Pursley, CUNY Julie Leininger Pycior, Manhattan College C.M. Pyle, Columbia University Barry Qualls, Rutgers University Laura Quinney, Brandeis University Jon Rachmani, Grad Center CUNY Alicia Ramos, Hunter College CUNY Peter Ranis, CUNY Graduate Center Rayna Rapp, New York University Shirley Rausher Kandice Rawlings, Rutgers University Amelia Reesor, Transylvania University, Kentucky Mariana Regalado, Librarian, Brooklyn CUNY Nancy Freeman Regalado, New York University David Reid, Rutgers University Lisa Reilly, University of Virginia Joanne Reitano, La Guardia Community College CUNY Melissa Renn, Harvard Art Museums Nancy Renn Nicholas Rennie, Rutgers University Silvia Rennie Benjamin Resnick-Day, Rutgers University Irina Reyfman, Columbia University Joseph Rezek, Boston University Bruce Robbins, Columbia University Camille Robcis, Cornell University Mary Louise Roberts, University of Wisconsin, Madison Yael Roberts Corey Robin, Brooklyn College and CUNY Alice Robinson Jeffrey C Robinson, University of Colorado, Boulder Stephane Robolin, Rutgers University Judith Rodenbeck, Sarah Lawrence College Susan C Rogers, New York University Gordon Rogoff, Yale University Renato I Rosaldo, New York University Hannah Rosen, University of Michigan Ann Arbor Ruth Rosen, University of California, Berkeley Noah Rosenblum, Columbia University Alex Ross, The New Yorker Andrew Ross, New York University Ellen Ross, Ramapo College of New Jersey Morris Rossabi, Columbia University Guenther Roth, Columbia University Karen Routledge, Parks Canada, Calgary Sheila Rowbotham, UK Nina A. Rowe, Fordham University Matthew Rowney, Wertheim Study Everett Rowson, New York University Jay Rubenstein, University of Tennessee Andrew N. Rubin, Georgetown University Ryan Ruby, York College, CUNY Teofilo Ruiz, University of California, Los Angeles Frances Ruoff, Kingsborough Community College CUNY Salman Rushdie Nancy Ruttenburg, Stanford University Charles Rzepka, Boston University Sam Sacks, Open Letters Monthly Nanette Salomon, College Staten Island CUNY Roberta L. Salper, Brandeis University JC Salyer, Grad Center CUNY Margaret Samu, Yeshiva University Kristin Samuelian, George Mason University Romy Sanchez, Sorbonne, France Martha A. Sandweiss, Princeton University Jeannette Sanger, Books&Co Imprint Luc Sante, Bard College Manuel Sanudo, Librarian, Queens College Masha Sapp, Librarian, Washington University Nikil Saval, n+1 Journal Sylvia Schafer, University of Connecticut Donna Schaper, Judson Memorial Church David M. Schaps, Bar-Ilan University, Israel William Schipper, Memorial University, Newfoundland, Canada Jane C. Schneider, Graduate Center CUNY Peter T. Schneider, Fordham University Johanna Schoen, Rutgers University Ellen Schrecker, Yeshiva University Kyla Schuller, Rutgers University Christine Schutt Will Schutt, Writer & Translator Claire Schwartz Martin Schwartz, University of California, Berkeley Donald M. Scott, Queens College CUNY Joan W. Scott, Institute for Advanced Study Jerrold E Seigel, New York University Gunja SenGupta, Brooklyn College CUNY Michael H. Shank, University of Wisconsin, Madison Mary Shaw, Rutgers University Scott Sheidlower, York College, CUNY April Shelford, American University Naoko Shibusawa, Brown University Evie Shockley, Rutgers University Anna Shparberg, Rice University Jack Shuler, Denison University Alix Kates Shulman, NYC Richard Sieburth, New York University Jonah Siegel, Rutgers University Lee Siegel Allan Silver, Columbia University Carole Silver, Yeshiva University Judith Simonian John V. Singler, New York University Carol Singley, Rutgers University Nancy Sinkoff, Rutgers University Herbert Sloan, Barnard College Christine Smallwood, Columbia University Bonnie Smith, Rutgers University Kathryn Smith, New York University Namara Smith, n+1 Journal Neil Smith, Graduate Center CUNY Susan Smith-Peter, College of Staten Island CUNY Julia Sneeringer, Queens College, CUNY Cal Snyder Maynard Solomon Dale Sorenson, Silver Spring MD Arthur Spears, City College CUNY Joaneath Spicer, Curator, Walters Art Museum Art Spiegelman, NYC Ellen Handler Spitz, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Columbia University Zrinka Stahuljak, University of California, Los Angeles Robert Stam, New York University Kate Stanley, Columbia University Rebecca Stanton, Barnard College Sam Stark, Harper's Magazine Anita Starosta, Rhode Island School of Design Michael Staub, Baruch College Andrew Stauffer, University of Virginia Ilan Stavans, Amherst College Stephanie Steiker, New York University Lorin Stein, The Paris Review Michael Steinberg, Brown University Judith Steinhoff, University of Houston Pat Steir, Pat Steir Studio William Stenhouse, Yale University Mark Stevens, Cullman Fellow NYPL Nina Stojkovic, City College of New York Emily Stokes Monica Strauss, Independent Scholar David B. Sullivan, Western New England University Ida Susser, Hunter College, CUNY Constance R. Sutton, New York University Annalyn Swan, NYC Nanora L. Sweet, University of Missouri, St. Louis James Swenson, Rutgers University Neferti Tadiar, Barnard College Astra Taylor Diana Taylor, New York University Joan Templeton Richard F. Thomas, Harvard University Sinclair Thomson, New York University Lynne Tillman, SUNY Albany Leo Treitler, NY Institute for the Humanities Daryl M. Tress, Fordham University Lucia Trimbur, John Jay College/CUNY John Trumpbour, Harvard Law School Liliane Tuck Henry S. Turner, Rutgers University Meredith Turshen, Rutgers University Laura Ann Twagira Jonathan Unglaub, Brandeis University Margaret Vandenburg, Barnard College Lara Vapnek, St. John's University Mario Vargas Llosa, Lima, Peru Gunder Varinlioglu, Curator, Dumbarton Oaks Research Library Paula Varsano, University of California, Berkeley Sara Velez, Former Curator, Rodgers & Hammerstein Archives Katherine Verdery, Graduate Center CUNY Martha Vicinus, University of Michigan Joseph S Viscomi, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Margo Viscusi Gairi Viswanathan, Columbia University Lise Vogel, Rider University Eugene Vydrin, Columbia University Anne Waldman, Academy of American Poets Janet A. Walker, Rutgers University Leila Walker, CUNY Grad center Tamara J. Walker, University of Pennsylvania Daniel Walkowitz, New York University Judith Walkowitz, Johns Hopkins University Cheryl A. Wall, Rutgers University Diana diZerega Wall, City College of New York Alan Wallach, College of William and Mary Julie Walsh Dorothy Wang, Williams College Michael Warner, Yale University John P. Waters, New York University Simone Wegge, College of Staten Island CUNY David F. Weiman, Columbia University Barnard Jo Ann Wein Eliot Weinberger Anne Betty J. Weinshenker, Montclair State University Craig Werner, University of Wisconsin, Madison Lawrence Weschler, New York University Cynthia Hyla Whitaker, Baruch College Dan White, University of Toronto, Mississauga Stephen White, Emory University Jonathan Wichmann, Fairfax, CA Caroline Wigginton, Rutgers University Toby E. Wikstrom, Tulane University Lance Wilder, University of Georgia Carol Williams, University of Lethbridge, Canada Carolyn Williams, Rutgers University Claibourne Williams, Hunter College CUNY Diane Williams Jocelyn A. Wills, Brooklyn College Joshua Wilner, City College of New York Simon Winchester Brenda Wineapple Zack Winestine John Wing, College of Staten Island CUNY Barbara Winslow, Brooklyn College CUNY Bobby Wintermute, Queens College CUNY Gretchen Woertendyke, University of South Carolina Sarah R Wolf, New York University John Womack Jr, Harvard University Elizabeth Wood Richard Wortman, Columbia University John Wronoski, Lame Duck Books Laura X, Librarian Jeffrey Yang Susan Yankowitz Virginia Yans, Rutgers University Mary Yeager, University of California, Los Angeles Marilyn B. Young, New York University Marnin Young, Yeshiva University Emma Lee Yu, Librarian, Brooklyn College Library Christine Zarett Alla Zeide, Independent Scholar