Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Socialism. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2019


by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton

 ©2020 ABIP

It's a fact that President Trump is not a politician. But that is precisely why he was selected by the American people to be their President. It's refreshing to see that he talks to the forgotten Americans without political subterfuges.
Decades of career politician elites are focused on re-election rather than the good of the country. They rapidly become millionaires, by way of books and speaking gigs if not under the table from donors, lobbyists and corporations. Add with support from their parties they become pawns. The interests of their constituents take a distant back seat in their limousines.
Americans have been forgotten while politically divided into groups to be used by promising what these career politicians fail to deliver. Look what is happening in cities and to infrastructure. Chicago for example.
President Trump, who isn't tied to special interests, in spite of the open resistance and cries for impeachment even before he became President, has not forgotten to deliver his promises to the voters, resulting in unprecedented economic success. He has improved opportunities and living conditions of the workers.
This was promptly accomplished by eliminating thousands of Obama's regulations which made the government bureaucracy flourish while preventing small business to prosper. These policies had driven to destitution thousands of Americans who became welfare recipients.
The Founding Fathers were farmers and people of honor who didn't imagine that centuries later the Presidents, Representatives and Senators could become a corrupt government elite. Most became creatures of a huge, collective, political swamp. That's why President Trump was elected by the voters tired of the status quo.
There are some exceptions, but not enough to prevent the political parties from becoming negative to the original concept of America: “We the People.” Not “We the politicians” and especially not “ We the socialist elite”.
I began to notice this pernicious deviation from the Father's concepts a few years after I immigrated to the U.S. I noticed the Democrat Party was leading America astray. The foreign ideology they were adopting was one that creates a powerful political elite that will dominate everything. I noticed that the Republican Party was letting it develop not doing their duty on behalf of the American people. I was disappointed, to say the least.
I noticed the cooperation and eventual collaboration much of the U.S (so-called) “liberal” media and their silence about the pervasive corruption. I sadly realized that politicians, media and academia were becoming enemies of America and the enemies of freedom, as in my former country.
Since 2009, the situation became worse as the process was accelerated by Obama. The Republican Party I hoped could correct the course, but sadly, did not. I blame the two parties, but one of them is worse by pushing a doomed ideology foreign to freedom, democracy and our Constitution.
At the end of 2016 the country was left divided and before Donald Trump became President a political war was declared by the Democrats and the “liberal” media against him. Our freedoms were hanging in the wind. The children had been indoctrinated to reject Capitalism and embrace Socialism.
Because of the Marxist “political correctness”--imposed a few decades ago—we cannot talk freely to each other and the resulting intolerance divides families and friends. We were insulted by screams of “racist,” “homophobic,” “misogyny,” “Islamophobic,” and other epithets.
The tenor of the violence of Fascist-technique front groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, violent students groups on campuses censoring speakers and Facebook listing hundreds of anatomically impossible genders makes it utterly clear: The imposition of Socialism in America will be ugly.
Forget the Scandinavian socialist model that doesn't exist anymore due to failure.
After three years of a President truly fighting back against that anti-human abomination he is hated and despised by the Democrat Party and that “liberal” media and academia. They do not want their swamp to be cleaned. They fear that the nightmarish descent into Socialism might be stopped. That's why their sham-based hatred and the insistence on an impeachment.
After this enormous waste of time and taxpayer money, the pathetic Nancy “Pelousy” lowers the United States House of Representatives with her unabashed, childish displays.
President Trump is not a politician and I am glad. He is the only one who has kept his promises as he moves our country away from Socialism while under constant pressure to stop him. That's enough for people who know first-hand what it is to be victimized by the left's totalitarian ideology.
Americans do not have experience with real totalitarianism in their own skin. They reject the evidence of what it is like living under the boot of a government. They refuse to consider the horrors of living with no freedom and doing what the government dictates or else. They ignore what it is to lose your property and your family members. Life in forced labor and concentration camps. Lack of medicine, health care and millions death. Those are the actual results of Socialism and Communism.
Do not listen to Marxists' promises and the siren calls of those body snatchers. They lie to get people hooked and to maintain their power. They make their promises sound and feel good but the promises are empty. Look at Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, Vietnam, etc. It is a trap. When you fall in that hellhole it is almost impossible to escape. Their creed is “The end justifies the means.”
Unfortunately, many members of the Democrat Party belong to The Democratic Socialists of America, founded and financed by the former communist Russia and is active today. It's not in the best interest of America.

The Founding Fathers must be turning in their graves with what is going on in their beloved America and mine.

Agustin Blazquez produced and directed THE TRUMP EFFECT: Deprogramming the American Mind (2017).

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


© ABIP 2019
by Agustin Blazquez, producer/director & Jaums Sutton, assistant director 

It's no secret that the academic circles, the mainstream media & the social media is composed of the left and far-left elements of America.  This fact has been obvious to refugees from Communist countries for decades.

We are very acquainted with their techniques and political discourse.  We know the real results and deaths that Marxist Communism and Socialism bring to the countries afected by those political aberrations.

The followers of Marxism become mindless fanatics of the creed of “The ends justifies the means.”  They get to power by lies and deceptions and with promises of “social justice," “fundamental transformation,” “free education and health care,” and other freebees.

Of course, this is only for the ruling elite.  For the rest is only poverty and dispair.  But this is never revealed by academia, media or typically restricted by “social media.”

The over 100 million deaths caused by Marxist Communism since 1917 are completely ignored.

Coming from a Marxist Communist country I readily noticed the infiltration of the media and academia by the proliferation of Marxist professors in colleges and universities.

What an absurd contradiction: Marxists teaching generations of children in a Capitalist Country!  Now we are seeing the results with so many millennials and high schools kids advocating for Socialism.

But the final battle for the “fundamental transformation” of America began in 2008 when this country was divided and class warfare was introduced.  The violent protests or “acts of repudiation” remainded me the ones conducted in my home country, Nazi Germany and all communists countries upon the homes of private citizens.  Which were similar to ANTIFA (supposedly anti-Nazi but using Nazi and Communist techniques).

And it carefully became prohibited to mention the middle name of the elected President.  A mention of it and you were acused of being a “racist.” For heaven sake, most presidents have a middle name!  Apparently this one was too close to home.

Of course the press and academia was supportive of the new direction the country was going, and remained silent on the consequences.  And censorship of social media began to cooperate with the Marxist's "fundamental transformation."

With a new President in 2016, academia, mainstream media and social media declared war on him and the people who supported him via attacks, incitement to violence of groups using fascist techniques.  They destroyed properties and silenced speakers in colleges and universities. They directed threatening demonstrations against TV political hosts and officials of the new administration.

And the censorship of social media and acussations of a litany: “white supremacists,” “racists,” “homophobic, ”misogynous, “Islamophobic,” etc. was and is repeated ad nauseam.

Among many others, the videos of Prager University were deleted from YouTube.  A few years ago I noticed that the visits of two of my videos of Hillary Clinton were suddently frozen and the other went down in number—which is supposed to be impossible.

On 8-26-19 one of my videos received an "R" age-restriction from YouTube.  In order to see it, you have to log on to YouTube with your login and password.  YouTube gave no reason for the restriction.

In light of the questioning of social media companies, I have to wonder if there is something in this video that they don't want you to see.

The count for this video has been slow.  Has the warning discourage everyonefrom watching or they have been manipulating the visits as they are doing to my Hillary videos?  Very clever indeed of the censors who disregard our liberties—including artistic—and constitutional freedom of speech.  Sad because this country was founded under the banner of liberty for all.

Now you can see this video at:

According to the site it is to "promote freedom of expression.”

Beware of these Marxists because when they completely get control, they are lethal to your pocket, way of life, your beliefs and your existence from birth to death.

My advice, if you see one approaching you on a sidewalk, PLEASEcross the street.

I'm in the process of posting my videos on to make sure they are available.

In addition to YouTube my videos are available at where you will be able to see for first time free of charge the full documentaries: CONNECTING THE DOTS: AN EXPOSE OF LIES, DECEPTION, SCAM AND FRAUD IN ORDER THE TAKE OVER THE USA, and CHE: The Other Side of An Icon (Too hot for PBS) .  

Soon you'll be able to see the two short videos about Hillary Clinton too.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Dethroning Nancy Pelosi?
By Agustin Blazquez
© 2019 ABIP

The Democrat Party began abandoning our foundations in favor of a foreign ideology contrary to the US Constitution in the 1960s, and for that reason is in big trouble today.

As Barack Hussein Obama campaigned for 2008 elections, he obviously felt it was safe to reveal his plan for a “fundamental transformation“ of our nation.  But, he didn't answer the question: What would it  transform into?

Now the answer to that question is more than evident, as we watch the shameless transformation of the Democrat Party after the 2016 Presidential elections. 

The radical, socialist Left is very much in charge, perhaps without the full knowledge of the American public.

“The ends justifies the means” is their norm, with no limits.  

However, people who escaped from socialist and communist systems know the crimes that they perpetrate once the Left takes power. 

So expect anything from these fanatic radicals that are causing havoc now.  They are taking over the USA, to the detriment of the people.

Americans in 2018 elected these despicable four characters, who now are acting with more power than the Constitution contemplated giving to House freshmen.  

They have overcome the Speaker of the House. What else could Nancy Pelosi do after they implied she was a racist? Side with President Trump, who defended her?

So how can other Democrats--who may still view themselves as “moderates”--face this hijacking of the party?

So far, the rest have been silent, if not going along with these four jumping jacks.

After his confrontation with these four despicable radicals, President Trump told them to go home. 

They replied with much-repeated accusations of “racism” repeated to death since the Obama Administration.

I personally think that these four out-of-line characters should step down and they should be sent to Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea or Vietnam.  

Not for vacations.  

But to see how citizens of those countries live, in order to experience the same hardships and misery of the unfortunate residents of socialist hellholes.

This would be so they might personally experience what socialised health care really means... as well as other socialist programs that those four despicable want to impose on the American people.  

I hope in doing so they might finally come to appreciate the freedoms they are currently able to enjoy in the U.S.A. 

Agustin Blazquez was born in Cardenas, Cuba. He left Cuba on July 18, 1965, and lived in Montreal, Paris and Madrid before arriving in the U.S. as a political refugee in 1967. He produced and directed THE TRUMP EFFECT: Deprogramming the American Mind (2017). Click here for his  YouTube channel:

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Trump v. Ocasio-Cortez: Reform or Revolution?


With his executive order on Free Speech, President Trump established himself as a true reformer, while his Democratic opponents have embraced revolution. Therefore, America faces a stark choice between reform or revolution in the 2020 elections.

Read the whole thing at