Monday, May 14, 2018

Jordan Peterson v The Forward & Deborah Lipstadt & People for the American Way & the SPLC

Against my will, I may be beginning to have second thoughts about the verdict in Deborah Lipstadt's British libel case against historian David Irving, thanks to Ari Feldman's recent article in The Forward titled "Is Jordan Peterson Enabling Jew-Hatred?

To my eye, although carefully couched as innuendo, her comments about Peterson appear a crude smear job seemingly trying to link the University of Toronto psychology professor and former Harvard faculty member to neo-Nazis, in my opinion. To wit:
Peterson’s willingness to answer questions about “Jewish success” and his interest in IQ literature is “suspicious” said Deborah Lipstadt, a professor of history at Emory University and author of “Denying the Holocaust,” who won a libel case in Britain against prominent Holocaust denier David Irving.Read more:
The article's Holocaust claims regarding Peterson are preposterous on their face, as are Lipstadt's putative suspicions.  Peterson has posted his response to the article on his website

However, I do have something to add to this discussion. 

The introduction to Jordan Peterson's best-selling 12 Rules for Life was written by Dr. Norman Doidge, a Jewish psychoanalyst, son of Holocaust survivors (Auschwitz), personal friend and professional colleague of Prof. Peterson. Dr. Doidge specifically discusses the Holocaust in relation to Peterson's theories. 

The Forward and quoted "expert" Deborah Lipstadt and an SPLC spokesperson seem to have committed a deliberate sin of omission by not mentioning this "inconvenient truth" about Dr. Doidge, himself a best-selling author on neuroscience. This suggests to me the article may be a conscious smear designed to defame Prof. Peterson with false, reckless, and malicious innuendos of anti-Semitism and Holocaust Denial.

I have read Professor Peterson's best-selling book and watched many of his videos. 

From doing so, I have personally concluded that Prof. Peterson is a True Friend of the Jewish People--unlike The Forward, Prof. Lipstadt, People for the American Way or the SPLC.