I just saw the Google Video segment linked on Michelle Malkin's blog (someone at Google doesn't like me), and was surprised that the VJ personally attacked her in a malicious and unfair way. Hyscience has a response, here.
I think this may be a symptom of something wrong. If Google's business franchise is based on honest, objective information resulting from computer search formulas--what is this guy doing spouting nasty personal opinions based on nothing but ugly prejudice?
That's not objective, scientific, or empirical--it's political.
And if Google's results are seen as political rather than scientific and objective, the search engine's franchise will no doubt suffer. The China censorship issue is bad enough--but IMHO Google Current host Conor Knight's gratuitous insults were beyond offensive--they were evil.
And if Google's motto is "do no evil," then either he is violating company policy, or his shtick is a symptom of something gone very wrong in Google's management. Either one might be a "sell" signal...
If Google becomes known as a "PC" search engine, its value will sink in the same way network news ratings have.
My suggestion to Google: To save your business, stick with objective facts and drop the personal opinions on Google Video.