Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times

by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton
Originally published by as SPECIAL COMMENTARY on April 8, 2002, reprinted and reviewed all over the world in many different publications, now under the growing censorship in the U.S., this article acquires a new importance today.
          From Zenon Yanez Osorio's 7 page essay on Nov. 1, 2015, titled The Dangers of Political Correctness:
"In Political Correctness: The Scourge of our Times published by the Independent UK, Agustin Blazquez introduces us to the origins of political correctness and condemns its censorship of the American mind. Political Correctness, according to Blazquez, was invented in Germany during the Third Reich as both a propagation technique for communism and a solution to the western way of thinking. He points out that for communism to extend its reach it had to undermine the foundations of Western Civilization by chipping away at the rights of its people; one way to do this was to change our speech and thought patterns by spreading the idea that vocalizing our beliefs is disrespectful to others. Blazquez also shows through several examples how 'PC’ness' is a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon the citizenry with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brainwashing, and destroying its society. He also goes into some depth about the double standard of combining religion and state in our country; as well as the proliferation of Political Correctness by our educational system. Blazquez concludes his argument by stating, 'it’s one thing to be educated, considerate, polite, and have good manners; and another to be forced to self-censor and say things that are incorrect in order to comply with the arbitrary dictums of a deceiving and fanatical virus that is embedded in our society.'" 
"Both Poniewozik and Blazquez confront the validity of political correctness in our society; Poniewozik finds that 'PCness' has a place in our lives if used more like common sense, while Blazquez believes that political correctness is a scourge that we must abolish, both articles forced me to question the origins and mediums of political correctness, while also analyzing the results and effects of it on our civilization. Poniewozik and Blazquez agree that it is used in situations where simple common sense would do the trick. While Poniewozik seems on the fence about Political Correctness you cannot misinterpret Blazquezes hatred of its origin and the roles it plays now. He believes that as a principle political correctness should be abolished. Blazquez also tells us about the double standard of religion and state present in our society. In the winter of 2006 Christmas decorations at schools were being attacked as unconstitutional for the first time in America. While at the same time school staffs were having their students pretend to be warriors fighting for Islam."
by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton
"Political Correctness remains just what it was intended to be: a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon the citizenry with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brainwashing and destroying our society."
 Does anyone know the origins of Political Correctness? Who originally developed it and what was its purpose?
 I looked it up. It was developed at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, which was founded in 1923 and came to be known as the "Frankfurt School." It was a group of thinkers who pulled together to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia.
 The problem? Why wasn't communism spreading?
 Their answer? Because Western Civilization was in its way.
 What was the problem with Western Civilization? Its belief in the individual, that an individual could develop valid ideas. At the root of communism was the theory that all valid ideas come from the effect of the social group of the masses. The individual is nothing.
 And they believed that the only way for communism to advance was to help (or force, if necessary) Western Civilization to destroy itself. How to do that? Undermine its foundations by chipping away at the rights of those annoying individuals.
 One way to do that? Change their speech and thought patterns by spreading the idea that vocalizing your beliefs is disrespectful to others and must be avoided to make up for past inequities and injustices.
 And call it something that sounds positive: "Political Correctness."
 Inspired by the brand new communist technique, Mao, in the 1930s, wrote an article on the "correct" handling of contradictions among the people. "Sensitive training" -- sound familiar? -- and speech codes were born.
 In 1935, after Hitler came to power, the Frankfurt School moved to New York City, where they continued their work by translating Marxism from economic to cultural terms using Sigmund Freud's psychological conditioning mechanisms to get Americans to buy into Political Correctness. In 1941, they moved to California to spread their wings.
 But Political Correctness remains just what it was intended to be: a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon the citizenry with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brain-washing and destroying our society.
PC Cuba
 My first conscious exposure to Political Correctness was in 1959 - the first year of Castro's revolution in Cuba - while attending an indoctrination session at a neighborhood elementary school in Havana. There I learned for the first time of the claimed superiority of life in the Soviet Union vs. the U.S.
 There I also learned that the word "compañero" (filtered version of the communist "comrade" - Fidel was denying his communist preferences) was the correct way to refer to the other members of the new Cuban society-in-the-making.
 Mr., Mrs. and Miss were no longer acceptable, and their further use could reveal that you were not a Fidelista. Since repression and violations of human rights came roaring in right behind Castro's sweep down from the mountains in 1959, objection or rejection of Fidel Castro's revolution would (and still will) land you in a lot of trouble. You could easily lose your life in those summary executions at La Caba prison under the direction of Che Guevara.
 But don't worry about Che. Che was later transformed and cleansed by the masters of Political Correctness. His likeness became a revered icon of the far left, with T-shirts and posters still adorning the campuses of America.
 The same techniques were used to cleanse one of today's "heroes," Mumia Abu-Jamal (even if he was convicted, by overwhelming evidence, of killing a cop).
 And under the pervasive guidance of Political Correctness that took hold from elementary school to university, from the media to the arts, from the country fields to factories and offices, Cubans learned to say what it was safe to say. Always in line with the overpowering state. Always following the dictums of the only political party left: the Communist Party.
 The self-censorship resulting from Political Correctness easily trampled freedom of speech. Political Correctness has succeeded in Cuba by creating a uniform political discourse that has lasted for 43 years.
 Political Correctness has given the state (Castro) complete control of speech. That is the main reason why the U.S. media cannot extract the truth of what Cubans really feel when they interview regular citizens and deceptively present their comments as valid to the American public.
 The same was true in the former Soviet Union and the former satellite countries. The same continues in the remaining communist world.
 It's nothing new. The U.S. media must know that, so why don't they openly report that fact instead of misleading the public? Perhaps that is the reason why the American people are so uneducated about the Cuban tragedy and acted regrettably during the Elian Gonzalez affair.
The PC U.S.
 With profound dismay, I have seen how the scourge of Political Correctness has taken hold in the U.S. It is very well entrenched in our educational system, at scientific, religious and community levels, the media, the workplace and even our government.
 It is changing the American society from within, and the citizens of this nation are increasingly censoring themselves and losing their freedom of speech out of fear of Political Correctness repression.
 It is the nature of Western Civilization to be civilized -- respectful of others and concerned with correcting injustices. We don't need Political Correctness to make us think we are not civilized on our own and must have our thoughts and words restricted.
 In December 2001, in Kensington, Md., an annual firefighters Santa Claus festivity to light the Christmas tree was objected to by two families. The city council, in the name of Political Correctness, voted to ban Santa from the parade. Fortunately, due to citizen outcry, the decision was reversed in the end and many people protested by dressing up as Santa.
 Logically and respectfully, how can one person's benign icon be objectionable to the point of banishment? Offer to add other people's icons. Make it a broader celebration. That's the Perfectly Correct American way.
 The rulers of Political Correctness reach absurd levels when they refer to the betrayal of America by the spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg - executed in 1953 - as "nontraditional patriotism"!
 We see shameful situations created in our schools and universities in America that have fallen prey to Political Correctness. Some professors, students and publications are being attacked for expressing a point of view that differs from that imposed by a fanatical far left, under the guise of Political Correctness.
 In schools and workplaces we see that "diversity" has degenerated into reverse discrimination, where often the less qualified are admitted and the incompetent cannot be fired. We have seen characters like Rev. Jesse Jackson shamelessly blackmailing and threatening to boycott entire corporations if they don't hire those selected by him or simply make "donations" to his organizations.
The Double Standard Emerges
 Our Constitution requires the separation of church and state, which has always discouraged our public education system from teaching religion. However, in December 2001, while Christmas cards, symbols and decorations were being objected to for the first time in American public schools in Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Oregon, in an elementary school in Texas, a girl was allowed to give to her classmates an overview and show a video about her Muslim religion.
 And in January 2002, a public middle school in San Luis Obispo, Calif. had its students pretend to be warriors fighting for Islam. Another school near Oakland, Calif. also encouraged 125 seventh- grade students to dress up in Muslim robes for a three-week course on Islam.
 This arbitrary double standard was applied in the name of Political Correctness following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
 According to Ellen Sorokin's "No Founding Fathers?" published by the Washington Times on its front page on Jan. 28, 2002, even our Founding Fathers have fallen victim to the travesty. The article says of the New Jersey Department of Education's history standards,
 "The latest revisions to the state standards have disappointed educators across the country, who said the board's exclusion of the Founding Fathers' names is 'Political Correctness to the nth degree.' "
 Sorokin points out that "the standards specifically note that students should identify slavery, the Holocaust and modern Iraq as examples in which 'people have behaved in cruel and inhumane ways,' " Conveniently, communism is absent from that short list.
 In another article by Sorokin, published by the Washington Times on March 10, "Report Blames Anti-Americanism on College Teachers," she presents two examples of upcoming courses for next spring and fall. They are "'The Sexuality of Terrorism' at University of California at Hayward; and 'Terrorism and the Politics of Knowledge' at UCLA, a class that, according to its course description, examines 'America's record of imperialistic adventurism.' "
 Recently, a historic photograph of the New York firefighters raising the American flag over the ruins of the World Trade Center was going to be made into a sculpture as a memorial.
 But history's revisionists used Political Correctness to dictate that other minority faces replace some of the faces in the historical photograph! Fortunately, in the end that didn't fly either, due to the outcry of firefighters and the public.
The Goal of the PC Dictators
 For people with the background and firsthand experience of living inside a totalitarian communist society, the tilt and goal of the dictators of Political Correctness in America are obvious.
 The beneficiaries in the end will be the fanatic believers in the totalitarian state, who, in spite of the dismal failure of communism and the 100 million people exterminated pursuing that criminal system, have not given up.
 Political and religious fanatics, as demonstrated by the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the subsequent war in Afghanistan, are extremely dangerous in today's world.
 All citizens who cherish liberty must reject the scourge of Political Correctness. Freedom of speech must be preserved in America if we are to continue to be free.
 Let's say it: Castro is not a 'president,' as the U.S. media's Political Correctness calls him. Castro has not been democratically elected to anything in Cuba. The correct word to define him is 'tyrant.' He is not just a 'leader,' as the U.S. media also calls him. He is more of a criminal Mafioso-type character.
 Why criminal? Because he has caused the deaths of more than 100,000 Cubans. Thousands have died through his support of guerrillas in Central and South America. Thousands of blacks were killed by Castro's soldiers in Africa. Castro in the 1980s introduced the use of bacteriological weapons to kill blacks in Angola.
 How many thousands have died in America as a result of his drug trafficking into the U.S.? How many thousands have died all over the world due to terrorists trained in Castro's Cuba?
 Former Soviet colonel Ken Alibek, who defected to America, was once in charge of the Soviet Union's production of biological weapons. In Alibek's 1999 book, "Biohazard," he revealed that with the help of the Soviet Union, in the 1980s Cuba created laboratories to produce chemical and bacteriological weapons of mass destruction -- just 90 miles from U.S. shores.
 The information about Castro's involvement with bacteriological weapons also comes from various independent sources. We must not forget either that Cuba is on the U.S. State Department's list of terrorist nations.
 Why Mafioso? Well, Castro is like an untouchable godfather, surrounded by bodyguards and thugs and a private army of about 40,000 soldiers for his personal protection (roughly the size of the entire army of Cuba prior to 1959).
 He stole foreign and national properties in Cuba. He has become one of the richest men in the world, according to Forbes magazine. He has created a despotic and corrupt elite to exploit the Cuban people and keep himself in power. He has made the Cuban people hostages and slaves of his corrupt regime.
 The U.S. media do not call Al Capone "the former leader" of the Italian Mafia. Why the double standard with Fidel and other far-left regimes? The answer can be traced to where the sympathies lie -- with the elite dictating Political Correctness in America.
 It's one thing is to be educated, considerate, polite and have good manners, and another to be forced to self-censor and say things that are totally incorrect in order to comply with the arbitrary dictums of a deceiving and fanatical far-left agenda.
 Let's preserve our freedom and say NO to the scourge of Political Correctness.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

SPYGATE EXPOSED: The Conspiracy to Topple President Trump by Svetlana Lokhova

"There is a woman in all cases: as soon as someone brings me a report I say 'look for the woman!'" -- Alexandre Dumas, The Mohicans of Paris, 1854 
Read the whole thing at

Friday, July 24, 2020

BLITZ: Trump Will Smash the Left and Win" by David Horowitz

After reading David Horowitz's new book, I called him to explain exactly how President Trump plans to win the 2020 Election. This is what he told me...

Read the whole thing at

Sunday, July 19, 2020

THE LATEST PODCAST: Larry Jarvik on Why He Supports Trump

Host Jeff Hall: "In recent weeks, we've had some guests on THE LATEST PODCAST who made it clear they weren't big Trump fans. In order to balance the scales -- THE LATEST is completely neutral when it comes to politics -- this week we interviewed Larry Jarvik. Jarvik describes himself as an independent -- but he clearly likes Donald Trump. Democrats? Not so much."

Listen to the podcast at

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Lower Retirement Age to 60 to Safely Reopen Schools and Restart the US Economy

President Donald J. Trump listens to participants deliver remarks during the National Dialog on Safely Reopening America's Schools event Tuesday, July 7, 2020, in the East Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)

As controversy swirls around the Trump Administration's push to reopen schools this Fall, and restart the economy, there is one possible solution which might garner bipartisan support.

Read the whole thing at